Drawing Challenge #8 Clouds X Science Pic / 繪圖挑戰 #8 云朵 X Science Pic

in #drawingchallenge7 years ago

又一期參加 @helene #drawingchallenge post, 再接再勵, 繼續和科學混一下, 當然#sciencepic 一下

Another session for @helene 's #drawingchallenge post, another fusion post with science, and of course #sciencepic!!

This session's theme is: Cloud (I so wanted to draw that one in Final Fantasy, but I lacks the skills T-T)

再次説明我不擅長畫畫, 請見諒XD
Once again I must state, I am not good at drawing XD

First post the final product:

和之前一樣我用ipad mini,與 bamboo手寫筆,和應用程序 sketches
Same as always I am using my ipad mini, Bamboo stylus fineline, and the application Sketches



Ordinary clouds in a fine day is pleasant to look at but not much interesting science i would like to talk about so, let's let pikachu dance in the sky~



Here is the science bits

有雷電的雲通常是由積雨雲產生,電排放過程是一個非常複雜的過程,但基本上是由電氣化造成的。這種電氣化是在冰晶和霰碰撞時產生的,在該過程中,冰晶變成帶正電的霰變成帶負電的。(因為冰晶向雲中升起來,霰沉澱下來,這能說明為什麼通常在雷暴之前,我們看到那些很長很高大的雲 - 積雨雲。) 雲在頂部變成帶正電,雲的底部變成帶負電的。
The clouds that bring lightning and thunders are generally bring upon by the Cumulonimbus, and the discharge process is a very complicated process, but basically a result of the discharge of the charge build up from the thunderstorm electrification. This electrification is bought upon the collision of the ice crystal and the graupel, during the process, the ice crystal become positively charged while the graupel becomes the negatively charged. (Because the ice crystal rise up, and the graupel precipitate down, this can partially signify why usually before we got caught in the thunderstorm, we see those big column cloud -- Cumulonimbus.) The cloud becomes positively charged on the upper part and the lower part of the clouds become negatively charged.

When the charge build up within the cloud exceed the insulation ability of air the discharge will occur, this can occur within the cloud, between two clouds or the more common ones that we see, the ones that channel the charge from clouds to ground lightning, creating the flash we see. This flow of charge, or electrons is actually a flow of plasma!! Witness mother nature when she is showing her power.

I always got the urge to fly a drone during thunderstorms, anyone want to donate one in the name of science??

有人想過,如果他們在公海和雷暴中,鹽水導電,為什麼他們不被觸電,我年輕的時候常常被這問題打擾我,直到我認識物理 XD
Anyone ever wonder, if they were in open sea and thunderstorm hits, and salt water conduct electricity, why they don't get electrocuted, always bothers me when I was young, until I know physics XD

如果你喜歡我的帖子,請upvote並關注我 @biuiam
If you like my posts, please upvote and follow me @biuiam


Nice painting..
Impressed.thnks by

Fantastic post!

Nice... Cool!! Steem On!

無人機在雷雨中,這測試也太昂貴!!!! XD


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