What's His Name?

in #drawing7 years ago

Drew this little fella today. All he needs now is a name. I was thinking something like Kevin or Steve, but I'm open to suggestions. It needs to be something kinda funny and nonthreatening.
Sacrifice close up.jpg
I feel like Kevin would be a fun guy to hang out with. Sure he's in to some dark shit but I'm not just gonna go and judge someone based on their religious beliefs. Kevin's probably a total bro, The kinda guy that would be down to kick it and have a drink with the boys after a long night of chanting and drawing pentagrams.

I also get the impression that even though he worships the Lord of darkness, hes actually a stand up guy. Notice that slight glisten in his eyes that says, "I may be a Satanists, but I'm a Satanist that cares."

Give me your best names in the comments and I'll pick one.



His named is spelled "Baab" but is pronounced "Bob"

Would love to see him wearing his Monday-morning suit-and-tie

Ronnie, and he has a van

This one made me laugh

His name is Matt, he is an accountant. He is just an another regular guy that works in his own cubical. At night he worships Satan and likes to sacrfice his friends to his god. Its not because he hates you or something. Actually he wants to save you from this cruel world. Matt is a good guy.

Yeah I think I am with you! This looks like a Kevin!

how about "magnificent" based on "maleficent" coz they both share similar horns, so may be they are related...haha

The horns do look pretty similar

I'm liking Jerry so far lol

Nice post.... check me out at @empres-m for entertainment,gossip and inspiration😘.

Baphomet Bill Goat

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