Growing Your Steemit Garden

in #drawing7 years ago

Hi everyone o/

I hope all of you are doing well, here on Steemit and also out in the world :>

Today, I want to talk about something important! (dun dun dun) I want to talk about Growing Your Steemit Garden !


Each one of us can be thought of as gardeners, and our steemit blog is our garden, see? And as a good gardener, you go out to the world and then you bring back beautiful flowers or fruits to plant and show in your own garden. A beautiful garden enrich the souls of all who visits it! Your visitors, in turn, will be able to go home to their own gardens, taking a part of your garden with them :>

This is why curating well is important on Steemit!

Curation - and how I see them!

I see that there are three main types of gardens (or curations). The first is a Genre Garden. My own steemit has been faithfully curated to showcase artworks and when visitors come and visit, they can see the focus of my garden clearly: A R T. The core idea about this garden is that it wants to curate a specific genre to its visitors to enjoy, it can be: Photography, or Art, or Cuisine, or Travel, or Writing, etc. Whatever it is, this type of garden will have one dominant theme and it will stay faithfully to that theme.

The second is Utility Garden. This type of curation collects all kinds of useful information for others to enjoy. It can be made out of more than just one type of focus, for example, this type of garden will collect posts about cryptocurrency, or philosophy tips, or art, or how to posts, etc. The main takeaway from this type of gardens is that they aim to give their visitors T O O L S to take home with.

The third type is a hybrid between the two! Let me illustrated with a doodledoo~

Genre Garden


You can see that the gardener here collects all kinds of flowers, roses, lilies, tulips, you name it, the gardener loves flowers! When their visitor comes, who may also be very much into flowers, they are happy and they have found a place in which the subject they love has been collected for their pleasure :>

Utility Garden


Here, we can see the gardener has collected all kinds of tools! Spatulas, wrenches, paintbrush, ruler, nuts and bolts, threads and needles. Things that will be useful as tools for their visitors. So the visitor wandered into this garden and saw exactly something that they can use for their own garden, in this example, maybe the visitor has been wanting to learn a recipe and they saw a really good "how to bake your own steemcake" post and they will go away and use this post (tool) to make a post in their own garden :>

Hybrid Garden


And, finally, we have a mixture between the two gardens! Here we see the gardener has collected many, many flowers, but they have also included a few tools in the box, to show how they have produced those flowers. We can see that the visitor is inspired to paint their own flower with the paintbrush tool that they have found in the garden :>

Your Garden

As you can see, growing your own Steemit Garden requires thoughtfulness, patience and commitment, but it is a well worth the effort since when we all step back, we can realize that by promoting and cultivating quality gardens throughout Steemit, we will have contributed into trying to make Steemit a wonderful huge garden for all of our little gardens to be a part of :D

Whatever Garden you have decided to make, remember to love it and look after it well. Like all living things, gardens will not flourish well without your care and love :3

Curate well, and be sure that you are happy with how your steemit looks like every time you open your blog!

To all of you artists out here at Steemit! Hello~ If you ever are lost and lonesome, please join Steem Artists at our discord chat:

We network with fellow artists here on Steemit and we help each other succeed :) Come and say hi~ ^ __ ^


Good advice, thanks... as multidisciplinary my garden might be a bit messy... like having flowers but also an orchard and a pool dunno and some grass hahaha :) But still I think i's what I am so trying my best to make it coherent.

nethy is multi talented though, so nethy's garden will also be more complex than most! cuz nethy is a wonderful gardener with many abilities * ___ *

Best kind of gardens :D


That is a great way to put it. I'm not one for words, or at least explaining much. I have a narcissistic dark garden. It's only my work. I'm not sure if that's a bad thing. I just want to keep my garden with all the work I create... since I have a lot to share.

Anyways, Nice job with this!

Thanks :D And your garden is very you <3 I like it <3

The perfect metaphor to describe steem life! "I'm the steward of my steemit garden", that really does have a nice ring to it. Thank you for sharing your insights. Hopefully when you visit my garden you are able to overlook the messiness that springs up here and there. I get excited. About everything. ☺

Hahaha, that's adorable, though <3 Keep up your gorgeous spirit !!!

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