Art That Grows

in #drawing7 years ago

Artists grow, but so can art. It just takes a little patience.


I've always been fascinated with clashing of the contemporary world and one of more fantastical origins. I played with that idea initially when I was a freshman in highschool.


It's not very good right? But that isn't the point. I made it and I was proud. It was a few years later when I thought, "Hey, I'm a much better artist than I was then, let's give that piece another shot!" And honestly, it wasn't much better.


And I got frustrated with this sketch so much, that I just dropped it. But then I got better at drawing again, and I wanted to try one more time.


And it was better.

In the Rain Revamp final.jpg

Until, I finished it. And I was satisfied.
This process took place from 2009 to 2015. And honestly, I could do better than what ended up being the final piece. But I'm going to leave it be, because it documented a growth in me as an artist, and it's beautiful and perfect the way it is.


When I was a kid keeping sketch books for no reason at all but it felt right I am so glad because of doing things like you are doing and reimagining your own work or even completing just unfinished ideas sometimes.

Nice work bro keep posting

I do this too! Some of our best ideas are things we put down as children, but just couldn't execute!

I often find my old sketches and redraw them. To me it's one of the most satisfying things in the world.

It is soooo satisfying. I have a comic I'm working on at the moment that is based off of some drawings from an old sketchbook. They aren't exactly the same, but it was a great place to jump off of!

I just posted about this exact idea recently. I took a long break from art...about 8 years. And now that I have started back up again, I feel like I'm at the exact same (maybe even lower) level as I was at 8 years ago. When I think about all of that time that I could have been developing my skills...I really want to kick myself in the butt for ever stopping 😔.
But, in my opinion, there's nothing more rewarding than watching as your art progresses. Even if its something as simple as finally being able to draw a decent looking hand in just one try 😆😆. You've come a very long way, especially with perspective and coloring. Your recent drawing sets a certain atmosphere that was missing in the original concept. I hope that I'll be able to compose a drawing as good as this one day 😊.

Yeah, people often talk about how artists are 'talented' and some how miss how much work has to be put in to keep up such a skill. I'm glad you are returning to art, it's a really hard thing to do. I sometimes go a month of two without drawing, and even returning from that can be daunting. But I'm glad you took the step!

Thanks you so much for your kind words! And good luck with your own art!

Yes it is. You do amazing work! Following you now to see what else you do! Also I have a postartchallenge I just started and it would be awesome if you submitted an entry from time to time. Each theme will go for 2 weeks. Feedback from great artists like yourself would be appreciated :) !!

Aw, thanks!

And I've seen the postartchallenge, and I definitely think I'll participate some time, I love group challenges!

Wonderful concept. I can really see the time taken with it. Thank you for sharing.

Thank you!!

Love your artwork, upvoted and following you 🦋

Thank you so much!


That's fun, you should do it again in another 5 years.

hmmmm maybe. i'll consider it. :D and thanks for the randowhale thing. not sure exactly how it works, but apparently it does! <3

Of course. It statistically works a little better, but i was just testing it.

You are so very talented! This looks amazing. Almost like out of an animated movie. It's nice seeing the progression also. This needs more readers! Resteemed!

Wow thank you so much!

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