
Is she sulking cos that sorting hat put her in Slytherin?

lol, You get an upvote for the funniest comment here. I was thinking the same thing.... It could be worse she could be a hufflepuff....

Nothing wrong with staying in the Hufflepuff.... they have a great funny name and they live merrily out of troubles :).

They do seem to be the most drama-free of the houses.

No wonder all those Slytherins are all so gloom and doom. No one wants to be in the jobber house XD.

Love the kitty so cute :D Hope she will have a better day tomorrow.

Do you have pets?

Yep, no cat though... only doggos :).

Thanks Sander.

Dogs are cool too love them both :)

Good sketch or drawing, I prefer to call it drawing, all that is done on paper for me is a drawing, and never better than a pet to get us in a good mood even if we have a day of dogs, I do not know if it is the translator or I, but I like your sketches and your drawings you have the Art in your hands.

You are right, our pets really work their magic whenever we have a bad day. Even if they're being naughty, it's hard to get angry at them because they're just too lovable.      
Thank you, I appreciate your kind comment :).      

Dear Artzonian, thanks for using the #ArtzOne hashtag. Your work is valuable to the @ArtzOne community. Quote of the week: Art, freedom and creativity will change society faster than politics. -Victor Pinchuk

Very impressive.

From her posture, you can tell her mood that it actually not going well for the day.

Her pet doesnt even know what's up!

Yep, our pets don't really know what's going on, but their presence certainly help us managing our moods.

Thank you again maxi :).

I think this is lovely! Also most relatable post I've read all week XD

Hahaha ouch. I hope your day will turn out for the better very soon.

Thanks Theresa :D. Happy weekend soon, I hope.

Don't worry, my dear! I really want to help your witch character by telling her an interesting story (I hope she finds it interesting).
There's a scientific explanation why people often misunderstand us (apart from just doing so on purpose which is kinda lame XD). But sometimes it's really difficult because of the different mental patterns (also called general pattern recognition circuits) responsible for most aspects of human thought. They help you recognize and see the world not as it is, but as people "see" it in their brain. The family, social life, society, work, even the heritage - everything has an effect someone's mind.
I wouldn't be surprised if my understanding of "love" is a bit different from yours. And that is completely fine as long as nobody impose his opinion.
Unfortunately, there are a lot of people who does exactly that. And can get me really annoyed. XD
I'm just trying to ignore all of them and stick to my tasks and way of life. I hope your character would do the same. Don't give too much energy thinking of those people. Take a break or stick with us. ^.^
You're an amazing person, @scrawly and nobody can change that. If you're doubting just believe in us, because we believe in you. :* :* :*

That sketch is amazing, btw. And I see determination in her eyes. She maybe tired and suffocating now, but it's going to stand up and be even stronger. ^.^

What a gorgeous and thorough comment, katalina <3.
I agree with you, people have different and multiple interpretations even on the smallest details, I guess that's what make all of us unique as individuals, it is just impossible to find someone with exactly the same configuration with each other.
And you are right, of course, even when we feel down, it doesn't feel as bad when there are people around us who care for us, so thank you for giving me a wonderful comment :).
I hope your difficult week will pass as well successfully and very soon you can look up for a bright future in front of you :D.

Thank you, my dear! I really hope so.
Honestly, I was a bit discouraged with my last couple of posts. Even tho' @tcpolymath excepted me in his project and support me with real money I still struggle and grow really really slow. I'm starting to feel ashamed of myself and worried that he also would lose faith in me. I'm trying to show everything that I work on despite the other tasks, but maybe that's not enough?
I hope to have more time after next week. ^.^

Nonsense XD.

I don't think he could be let down because of you, first because he's really pretty nice and second because there's no reason for feeling disappointment in what you have made so far in Steemit.

You are busy with your life's obligations and real life comes first and foremost.... always :).

Never entered my mind. You do great work and I'm proud to be supporting it.

Thank you, @scrawly and @tcpolymath! I'm sorry for my sulking post, but I had these thoughts in the last couple of weeks and today was the moment to just let it out.
I'm waiting for my graduation to end next week, only after that will have more time to even make a contest on my own. ^.^

Although you complain about your sketch strokes, I think they're perfectly suited for the mood in this, which you capture perfectly. Special props to th wee kitty and excellent visual balance on that moon.

My sketch strokes are the reason of my nickname but it doesn't mean that I prefer it that way ^^.

Thank you for giving me such a nice comment :).

Ah, happy to learn the mystery of your username. I am afraid to ask how some others, like @veryspider, got theirs now. ;)

i do... i do feel like sometimes im thought of like the world's best cushion by my doggos.... LOL

awww i hope missy witchy will feel better soon <3 she looks so cool and capable of many cool things, i love her hair and hat so much <3

that pose is very emotive, scrawleroo <3 i like that you can capture her internal feelings so well with very good body language (of both the witchy missy, and the cat) * ___ *

and i love how you frame the picture with the giant crescent moon ! it gives a beautiful wrap of the subject !!! <3

Gorgeous, as usual * ___ *

upvotes and resteems

Hehehe yeah, they are pretty rude sometime, using us, the owners as some kind of sofa XD.
I have always wanted to make emotive art, I think my drawings quite often feel a bit reserved because my characters are mostly cool as cucumber kehehe. So I'm glad that this one shows a different kind of emotions, it's really quite hard for me to do that. I will keep trying though :).
Thank you captain spider.

Awesome post, @scrawly. We all have bad days... Hopefully tomorrow will be a better one.

That's all we can do sometimes, wait it out until it gets better.
Thank you trin :).

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