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RE: Unmasking

in #drawing6 years ago

Oh man, this is heavy, I can totally relate. The funny thing is, I think masks are somewhat healthy for us. I think if I lived without having "my mask" on my mind would wonder into the dark abyss and never come back.

Like, psychologically if we smile, or laugh, our brain releases small amounts of endorphins, so I've read briefly anyway, so even if we don't necessarily feel what we're trying to portray, we still get a small amount of it in our system.

Sometimes it's a good thing to have to force a smile and be bubbly, and other times it's pretty draining and like a slap in the face. Sometimes it would be great to have a mask and be able to show people what's really underneath. What a great post! I'm probably reading deeper than I should lol.


Hahaha, no, you are kind of totally completely aligned with me on this :) Thank youuuuu (it's always such a wonderful feeling when you feel like someone else connected with you across the internet, isnt it)

Yes, I think wearing masks (at a degree) is an expected part of being social. Like you said, healthy, even! Like, because we want to do well by others around us, we are compelled to smile or to act a certain way, and since human beings NEED to be social (occasionally), being able to wear masks well is actually a healthy part of being a well-adjusted member of society. In a way? Am I rambling terribly? XD Haha~

But yes, other times, there are probably situations or places in which we feel pressured to act a certain way and we're not actually 'strong' enough to wear those masks. In those times, we feel strained and drained for trying to pretend exhibiting 'signals' that aren't actually us.

Thank you so much for visit and comments <3 You are a thoughtful and deep person <3

Oh thanks! Yes it is a wonderful feeling! No you're not rambling haha I completely get what your saying! And I mean honestly it's a subject that a whole book could be written about.

This makes me think of the movie The Mask with Jim Carey, I don't know if you've seen it, where's he's talking to the psychiatrist or whoever that wrote a book about masks as a metaphor. Hilarious movie! But, this could seriously be a whole book haha.

It's funny how humans and even some animals have different social expectations. I mean, why do we even have that, it's not necessary to survival at all lol That just opens up a new can of worms

But yes, I am grateful for the weekend, the guard is down, the mask is put up, and the sweat pants are on! : )

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