Rural landscape by Me [EN] / Wiejski krajobraz [PL]

in #drawing6 years ago


Civilization everywhere

rural landscape, ink

This is the rural landscape painted with ink. As you can see, civilization is everywhere. Beautiful fields and electric poles are something that captures me. I sit down at the edge of the forest and put on paper what moves me. Fortunately, there was no monitoring there. But as you can see, urban life is slowly entering. Containers erected and will probably soon grow up into houses. Sometimes I am tempted by the idea of ​​a cointainer house ;>


Cywilizacja everywhere

Tak wygląda krajobraz wiejski. Jak widać cywilizacja wszędzie się wprasza.
Piękne pola i słupy elektryczne to coś co mnie ujmuje. Siadam sobie na skraju lasu i przenoszę na papier to co mnie porusza. Na szczęście tam nie było monitoringu.
Ale jak widać miejskie życie już tu powoli wkracza. Kontenery postawione i najpewniej niebawem wyrośnie tu dom. Czasem kusi mnie myśl o domu z kontenerów ;>

podpis planeta-1.jpg

by Me



Nice scetch. I really like the energetic strokes you use to create a vibrant landscape. I think it is sad that more and more natural habitats of animals, plants and mushrooms are destroyed but I think a container house would be nice :) Have a beautiful day ;) I follow you :)

Oh, thank U very much! I try to put dynamics into strokes. I think that sooner or later we will see that planet is dying. Or we will extinct. Have a nice day too :) peace.

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