🔹 Learn to paint with Marty - watercolored magnolia - tutorial

in #drawing7 years ago (edited)

Hi friends, some time ago I painted magnolia tree and I really enjoyed the process. Magnolia has big beautiful flowers with amazing strong fragrance. Flowers are usualy white,pink or purple and when the tree blooms it is the crown of the garden.


Today I am going to show you how to paint magnolia flowers in watercolors.

You will need...

The process:

🔹 First you need to draw an outline of the flower. Try to draw thin soft lines so they will not be visible after painting.

🔹 Now you can start with painting. Paint with a light shade of purple. Fill the whole flower with it. You can add also a little bit more color at the bottom so water will disprese it.


🔹 Now you can make strokes from the bottom. They will create the flower structure. You can add also a little bit of violet on the petals behind.

🔹 Dont be scared of adding some stronger color into it. You can also use the second brush only wet by clear water to spill the color. The edges will dissapear then.

🔹 There are also some imperfections on the flower. Create them by adding just a few small strokes at the edges and spill them with another brush.

🔹Now fill the twig with light shades of brown. Buds can be more green and orange. It is nice if you leave some white places. The colored areas dont have to touch everywhere.

🔹 Start filling those twig parts with darker colors. Use also wet brush to make transitions.

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🔹 We need some stronger contrast here. Use dark purple to paint edges and add a little bit also inside of the flower. Try to avoid solid lines on the edges. They should just indicate the edge.

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🔹 You can see the difference here...

🔹 The last thing you can do is adding some small white reflections on the twig.


I hope this tutorial was useful for you and maybe you also try to paint magnolia.


Thanks for watching!


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Awesome lesson, how did you create those moving gifs?

I made short videos.. then I changed them into gifs :D

Nice water painting

Superb one ! Perfect mixture of art, skill and color ! Thanks for the tutorial !

nice to hear, thank you :)

You are welcome my friend !

I just started to get back into art and wanted to watercolor some icons I had developed. I was very fortunate to see this video and get a tutorial (even if you did flowers...it was beneficial). I would ask that you continue and maybe introduce some additional techniques for newbies such as myself. Thanks!

glad you liked it.. and its a good Idea, I can make something for beginners to introduce colors, strokes, paper and so on..

Well done! And very clear and accessible anyone because of the way you broke things down. Would love to try this lesson one day!

I was scared a little bit of insufficient explanation, because I know the technique and for someone who just started with watercolors it can be difficult.. but I would like to make also some easier tutorials for beginners :)

absolutely, the gifs really help illustrate what you mean as well :)

I always finding it daunting to dive into something new when you don't know much about it, but I think no matter what material you provide as tutorial, nothing beats jumping into it and just having a go (as I found out with doing calligraphy). It would be really helpful for me (at least) if you were able to compile a list of questions that people have asked you in the past about doing watercolour painting and create a post based on it (or if you have then provide a link).

Great tutorial ! ✿ Its easy to understand and yet looks so awesome

This is so amazing! I still don't understand how somone can paint like this,it looks so beautiful. Keep it up!

thank you, well its a lots of work behind it.. I had lessons of art once a week for 13 years and paint also at home, then 3 years of glass design school.. if you love it you are able to learn it with all patience necessary :)

very nice lesson!

great guided to learn painting. I love it. thank @marty-arts.

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