
Thank you very much! I really appreciate it! Hopefully when I get the website going it will bring in some clientele. 🍀 Fingers crossed!

A website presence is important for many reasons, but less than the ones we used to build them for. Now it's to get people in from search engines. Before it was more of a showcase or a business card.

Also, consider creating a video channel showing you at work. You don't have to be in the video. Your desktop if you do it digitally, or just your hands if you still draw by hand. I know of a few people doing well on YouTube and I imagine also on DTube, but I have only recently begun with Dtube. One you might want to look at for ideas is Beanie Draws on YouTube ( See if this can benefit you.

These are really good ideas. The idea of making a youtube and dtube channel have crossed my mind but ive never seriously given it thought till now. I really like the idea of setting up a camera and recording my work. I'm going to have to record my next drawing and give it a try! Thanks for all the good advice! 😄

Honestly, I don't know if it will work. If you enjoy drawing, and on camera after trying it out, it can't hurt. There is a market for it. If you keep the channel clean and child friendly, you could reach youngsters wanting to learn how to draw.

There are some people making money from teaching art on Teachable. I forget the name, but look up "Watercolour" and "Teachable" on a search engine. I just found quite a few. Is this something that would inspire you? It might take you on a different path or even multiple paths. :)

PS: people are really getting into beginner's art courses as a form of relaxation from the modern world.

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