Portrait Drawing Step By Step Shot

in #drawing7 years ago

Dear Steemian!!

Finally I can finish this drawing after I spent two days to draw it. I drew this using a graphite pencil on A4 size paper.


As I said yesterday, that small size is harder than large size so it takes a long time to finish. Therefore, I needed a grid help to find out the proportions.

Here is my progress








Thanks for visiting, Hopefully you like it..

Regard @huslein.slash



nice drawing @huslein.slash , keep on the good work. upvote

Aamaaazzziinnggg @huslein.slash I draw animes but it is difficult for me to draw real people.. You are amaaazzzinnggg... Post more of this ppllleaaseee... Folloowweedd youu noww;)

Hey @johnrel thanks, I will post more about it if you interested to see.

Nice drawing ka :)

pas photo versi jaman dahulu kala

Hahaha emng psanannya gtu, mau gmna lagi

WOW... you have a great hand.... kok bisa kayk hasil printer gitu... belajarnya gimana sih.. yo yo rancak bana :D

Hahaha terlalu melebih-lebihkan @ritaedogawa aku bisa karna dah biasa aja sih, belajarnya sering coret2 lama2 bisa sendiri

but seriously, I always appreciate those who can do such kind of art... berrti xlo sering latihan ada kemungkinan bakal bisa gitu juga? aq udah coba sx.. tapi susah... gak halus gitu hasilnya,, bnyak bayang2 hitamnya.. jadinya mirip2 karikatur gitu, tapi gak karikatur juga.. wkwk kayaknya bukan tangan aja ni yg luar biasa, matanya juga ya... (bagi tips dong) :D

Kunci dari menggambar itu ksabaran, cara mengarsir harus pelan biar halus. Kebanyakan org ga sabar n pngen cpat selesai jadi dia membloking semua semua sketsa. Padahal jangan kecuali pkek cat itu sah2 aja

hemm.. that's why I adore those who can do art.. :D Thanks for sharing,, sepertinya saya memang kurang sabar xlo gambar >,<

Makanya mulai sekrg rita harus lebih sabar.

Bak na ek lalat han ek takhem heheheh

Hahaha harus lagenyan bg supaya tak ada yg disembunyikan

Fantastic work so life like and real

That's pretty cool. I like to speed draw / paint. i dont have patience for 2 days working on something.. LOL

Hahaha.. I've practiced my self to be patient..

Ga da foto aslinya ya

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