Very exciting male pirate drawing...Looks Like Happy From Sons of Anarchy - learning to draw everyday...join me!

in #drawing7 years ago

The Finished Drawing!

Please note that since this is a pencil drawing, I do try to keep the lighting a little darker in order to keep the grainy shading and so you can see each step.

I show how I created this guy step-by-step. I tried to emphasize the emotion in his face. He's a little bit scary! Have fun and try the drawing.


Okay let's begin

I started this male face using a "square plane" technique. This helps me make the male face! I decided to try this as I find I often end up making male faces that are too pretty! While I like pretty faces I wanted to learn how to create a more masculine face.

So after some experimentation and research I have a comfortable male face building system that really helps me. Keep in mind we are always growing.

Notice the straighter more squared sketch. This helps me a lot.


Using The Square Planes and Creating the Facial Features

Notice that I am keeping the really square looking nose as the nose is a feature that can be very masculine. So I told myself to keep that... I often make the nose very slender - ie. reflecting the female face.


Starting The Shading

There is a subtle light coming from the upper left. So I am starting the shading by creating the lowlights - keeping the darkest on the right of the face.

I have done a general clean up of the square plane lines - only do this when you are feeling confident and comfortable with the general direction of your shading.


Blending - Even working the forehead indentations

Creating a mood or emotion comes from the molding of the movement in the face muscles. The human face is an amazing mass of muscles that show our vibes.

This guy has a very on edge look - or at least that is what I am aiming for. Learning as I go!


Working On The Shadows On The Neck

Again the neck can really be important in creating a masculine face.

Also by this point I have eliminated a lot of the lines and started to soften and blend the shading.

Moving more emphasis to the left side of the drawing.


Blending And Smoothing

Okay at this point I started to realize how much this character is looking like that tough dude on "Sons Of Anarchy" what's his name? Oh yeah "Happy"

Again, this was a total accident and I can't believe how often this happens!

Here we are subtly shading, sculpting the small nuances in his face. For this I am using the blending stumps or sticks, using pressure to make an area more intense.

Sometimes high-lighting with the "kneaded eraser".
Starting to play with the features... notice the mouth - trying to give it a slight sneer or disgruntled look. Adding personality.


Add Some Hair

I liked the look of him bald too, but wanted to add a typical pirate-looking ponytail. So I have started sketching out the hair.

Still working the face - when changing the movement of the mouth - remember that requires a corresponding movement of the face. So I am starting to emphasize that right side of his face to match or move with the mouth.

Darkening and highlighting the forehead and expression in the eyes. He is starting to look intense.


Finishing Up!

More emphasis on the facial features that I want to make sure they are finished.

Highlighting, low-lighting and blending hair strands.

I am so happy with this character. My male face drawing is definitely improving. So... look for more men in the future. Want to do a really crusty looking viking character soon.

But... I still love doing beautiful female faces too... and interesting character clothing. This is my joy and I hope it is yours too. If so keep watching as I learn more about how to draw, and invite you to come along with me.


Oh... and remember it is never too late to learn something.



If we knew what it was we were doing, it would not be called research, would it?

- Albert Einstein

Nope - that's for sure...

Ready for the stormy seas! Aaarrg!

Yesss... I can imagine the wind and sun...

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