Outworlder #1—Pages 27-28

in #drawing7 years ago

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We are back to the two separate pages, so let's get this all revved up.

No name hero, looking for Ms. Moreman, former middle school English teacher, who he discovers was kidnapped by orders of Damontroth, a not-so-nice-guy we haven't met yet.

Forest dwelling girl who can feel injuries and illnesses, goes against her father's command and heals our hero after he is unceremoniously blasted from the sky. Now he and she are inseparable. Not physically, though. They're only "soulfully" joined.

Now they're reality hopping across a bridge in hopes of eventually getting to a humongous dome where Ms. Moreman is probably being held. Except things keep happening and even though they're literally soulmates, they're not getting along so great.

Our heroes made it out of the underwater realm despite coming close to being knocked off the bridge by a huge tentacle. Now, the bridge has led them right through the middle of space. As they talk about Damontroth and what he may have done, they are suddenly dropped in on by two living video screens, Rutheford and Amelia.

If that's not enough to get you going, nothing will.

Outworlder #1—Page 27.png

Coming across living video screens in any context would be a little trippy, even if you're already tripping across a bridge that's put you through some pretty trippy situations. Trippy, man. Trippy.

That and the fact that whatever language they're really speaking is translating into mid-20th century American. Scouts honor? Really?!

What's funny is, Rutheford thinks he's the normal one. :)

And of course, there needs to be a jab about equality. Not that Rutheford isn't chauvinistic to some degree. Essentially, he's presumptuous, pompous and rude.

I guess bickering is a married thing regardless of your species or what part of the known universe you dwell in.

After several pages now that had a decent balance of art to word ratio, I feel like I crammed in a bunch of text again. Doesn't help that my word bubbles are also word boxes. I've got the speaking indicators going every which way trying to keep up with where people are at in the story and who's supposedly speaking. Not my best effort in that department.

Outworlder #1—Page 28.png
Outworlder #1 is a graphic novel by Glen Albrethsen. Copyright © Glen Anthony Albrethsen, 1986-2018. All rights reserved.

Looks like our hero has had enough. I wonder how long it will take Rutheford and Amelia to notice?

He seems to be a little on edge all of a sudden. I mean, more so than usual. Just when they were kind of starting to get along, too.

Hunh. Looks like this last shift through space has them in a realm of nothingness. There's not much there in the panel except our heroes. And the panel frame is no longer straight. It's like it's giving it some kind of dream-like quality.

Okay, now you've made her mad! "You are not my father!"

Whoa. Where did she come from? Is she a queen? Sitting on a throne? In the middle of nothing? Okay, now we've got something even trippier going on.

Wait. Did she just call him Cal?!

Did we finally, 28 pages in, just learn the name of our hero? Do all queens just sit around in full royal garb waiting for people to wander in? Why are the panels all wavy-like? Does it make you nauseous if you stare at it too long?

You know what I'm going to say, don't you? More Outworlder #1 coming next week!

Outworlder now publishes every Tuesday and Thursday.


Hahaha... I like it xD... I like it a lot xD
Seems like something that could be put in a tv show... xD Good, awesome xD Keep like that!!! We'll miss you if you don't =)

I appreciate the kind words. This is something I did 32 years ago, so I'm mainly testing the waters for this kind of content and trying to have some fun at my own expense in the process. I readily admit that I am not an artist, but do claim to be a creative and a writer. :) So, anyway, thanks for your comment and hopefully you'll like the remaining posts, too.

O: I see... pretty cool, I also believe that the most important thing in the creative process is to have fun... that's one of, if not the best motive to create something, and I can fully relate to what you're saying, although I have little experience in life, that's what I've done for as long as I remember.

Wish you the best :)

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