KALI Valentine!

in #drawing6 years ago

kali valentine.jpg

I am making a series of sassy Valentines...I know, I know, I am late to the game so they will be ready for my website NEXT year BUT they are available locally at my studio for my DSM lovers.

Kali is a Hindu goddess- I love the myths, imagry & history.

Kali was asked by Durga, also a goddess, to deal with a pain in the ass demon named Rakta-bija or 'blood seed' whom, as Durga found out when she tried to kill with him has blood like seeds that doubles him! Durga could not kill the demon, he kept multiplying! So she called on her friend Kali (the destroyer) to come and deal with him. Kali comes along & sticks out her tongue and "swallows with one gulp the swarm of blood born demons and sucks the blood from the original Rakta-bija until he dies". Times of India article- Devdutt Pattanaik, 2011.

That is just one version of Kali and her tongue..I added a serpent of wisdom, lotus flowers & a heart to this lovely goddess for a valentine offering of love and warning to mind your demons.


Oh Cool! I always love your valentines. That kali tongue is everything. <3

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