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RE: My Creative Journey 45

in #drawing6 years ago

This is amazing to see. I love all the details you included and I must say it really resonated with my own experience in the last six months with writing. I've challenged myself to try new things and at many times set a timer and just wrote whatever came to mind, without worrying about the final project.

It was interesting to see this concept through sketching and visual art.

ALSO, although I CAN draw, I am absolutely astounded at your grasp of the human body. Your sketches are completely amazing to me, especially knowing that you did them quickly!


Thanks for dropping by! I think that's the most important thing...or at least one of the most important, is to not get hung up on the final product. If you focus too much on that then suddenly your mind begins to judge itself against this standard that may or may not be reachable and instead of focusing on the process, which is where I think real art is created, you're worried about the stuff that doesn't really matter.

As for being able to draw bodies...just gotta do it a lot, lol. I think the night before I did 3 hours or so while watching, about 90 of them. There's an awesome release in knowing that they're going to be erased right away. Honestly is a bit a addictive, hehe. Had to force myself to create a final product last night.

Hope you have an awesome weekend!

My daughter has a crazy amount of artistic talent and she can draw like it's nothing. It takes me a little more effort, but I can do it. Then my husband... well, he can't draw to save his life, unless it's a technical drawing/schematic!

You're so right about not focusing on the end product too much! I can't tell you how many times I've talked myself out of writing or finishing a story because I stressed too much about the ending or making it all perfect before I was even to that point!

It's such a great skill to pick up as a kid. There's so much brainpower that develops when you create art it's not even funny. How you think, what you can think about, how you envision's a whole new world Definitely keep your daughter on that path. Just remember to teach business alongside that, figuring out how to monetize stuff, so that her passion can be more than just a hobby if she wants it to be. :) Be well!

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