¡I started drawing and this was the result!
I remember that all my school work was done by me, which filled my desire to draw, this forced my mom to buy me boxes of colors and markers, so now I have a small collection. Once I entered the university I didn't have homework that required drawing or coloring skills, the only ones I do these days are those from my little sister when she has homework.
Recently, I started drawing cartoons. The idea came while I was spending time reading comics in WEBTOON and I wanted to have my own character inspired on me to tell all kinds of stories which other people can feel identified with.
To give shape to this new character I started with the facial expressions to determine how the features will look and how similar it will be to me, meanwhile I can define her hair and accessories (glasses, earings ...)

Sketches of facial expressions made with pencil and marker
Scanned by CAMSCANNER mobile application
Photos taken by a Motorola Moto G3

"Looking for the perfect body"
Sketches made with pencil and marker
Scanned by CAMSCANNER mobile application
Photos taken by a Motorola Moto G3

What do you think? Are we similar?
By the way, my username is "bluestargirl" and I love the stars, so I wanted to recreate this drawing that reminds me, literally, the meaning of it.

Original drawing

Sketch made with pencil and marker
Drawing with color pencils
Scanned by CAMSCANNER mobile application
Photos taken by a Motorola Moto G3
I hope you like it, I will continue publishing more drawings made by me and i will continue developing my character and I would like to show you the whole creation process. I will also be recreating drawings of other people to improve my drawing skills. If you have suggestions you can leave them in the comments, all will be well received.
Oh wow, I love your drawings too, I don't know but am kinda loosing interest in drawing again. I used to draw before. What can I do to regain that passion.
You can try to draw things that you like in a quiet space. Also follow people who draw to inspire you. Good luck and thanks for comment!