
Wow, thank you so much! I just posted this and this is my first post here. This is a really warm welcome for me:) I will introduce myself also (just saw that section after this post )
Have a nice day!

I'm glad. I saw it's your first post, so I feel privileged that I could have be the first to up vote. It can seem daunting at first but just keep on posting, up voting, commenting. You will grow slowly but surely.

Thanks for that, you made me curious for your posts, so I am following you now also. I still need to get to know SteemIt. So forgive me if I am a bit slow replying to your stuff, but I surely will! I can't see any upvotes yet? Or do I miss something. If I get an upvote is this also shown in an amount or does this take some time and more votes?

Thank your for following me. Yes, it will take some time and are not showing amounts so soon. Just look where it says vote then you'll see how many votes you have. If you want to up vote someone's posts you go next to where it is money value will start show and press the arrow up because if you press the arrow down you down vote the post. N0 worries if you're a bit slow

Thanks for explaining, you are very kind! I will have a look later on.. and I will look at your postings for sure :) my first vote, comment and follower wow :-)

Pleasure. We need to help each other on the steemit community. Hope you have great success but we will follow each others posts

Wow I am so surprised about the value of this post and one reply.. this morning it was only 1,44 and now the post is more than 10,75 and one reply 13 dollar something??? How is this possible.. Today is payday for this one.. Not quite sure what to do yet lol

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