Stickman Adventure, Part 22: Shock and Awe

in #drawing7 years ago

In a bid to impress the silent, shy city dwellers, our hero whips out the wooden object. Brandishing it proudly above his head, he waits for them to shower him with gifts in tribute of his plainly god-like powers. Instead they just stare, visibly unsettled by the display.

What would you have our hero do next?

Stay Cozy!


He should throw it and see if they come out and go for it

He needs to keep trying showing the piece to them, in fact he can talk and tell them that the piece is magical

I'd be quite surprised if I saw what he was holding too.

I think they already know that "mysterious object", because there were many of them. Seriously, show them your impressive smartphone! These "people" look different, as if they don't know something like that.

Our Hero is doing everything he can to communicate and to impress these shy city dwellers but showing them the wooden dildo but still in vain. Or maybe he will give it to one of the dwellers the wooden dildo to gain their trust. Or maybe its time to show these dwellers his cellphone and show its magnificence by using it as a source of light but the battery is already down to 25%.

Yes!!! Now our hero is getting smart!

Next, I could be wrong, but the creatures welcome him in to their home and bow down to him.

Dude, this one made me laugh pretty hard, haha.

Well, since that didn't work and they can't appreciate the grand splendor of our dildo, It must be time to move on and look for an entrance into some of the buildings or a way out of the maze.

Hahaha. I think he's really sick of them not letting him out so he's just messing with them. And yeah look is that a dildo? It's hilarious. Hahaha
He has made peace with the fact that he's gonna stay there forever.

May be they don't think these wooden objects are anyhow related to powers which God can posses because they are staring him as they used to, if these wooden objects reflected powers they may have helped him.

These city dwellers are harder to impress than i thought.
They are not even impressed by his supposedly god-like powers.
Or perhaps on a second thought they're just afraid?
He shuld try to scare them at the same time assuring them as he has their attention now telling them that even though he has the powers to destroy them he wont because he is noit in the mood but if they continue keeping quiet he would be forced to. That way they'll panick nd talk.

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