/BOTS/Just a comment i made on a controversial subject that drives conversation //Drama alert//

in #drama6 years ago (edited)

Im not going to make an opinion piece out of this because that would take away from the "organic feel" of the comment.
I state some opinions here that i think carry some merit, i could be wrong, but i found it important to state them.
What i have noticed lately is a tendency for one side in this conversation to claim the "moral high-ground" while the opposite side just keeps silent as to not get bothered by those people. I think thats not a positive thing when discussing a controversial topic like this one.

Am i right, am i wrong? Am i too harsh to the guy? You decide and ill consider your point of view.


I get your point dude. But honestly, i cant say i care much. See theres a problem many people face. And that problem is:

My point of view is the best one to see the solution most clearly.

Thats wrong, because mostly you only see the best solution for yourself and not for the other guy.

I use bots moderately in comparison to Paris here, though i use it excessively in relation to my organic upvotes. I think the ratio is around 1:50.
And im fine with that. I try to do my best to be original and work hard on my posts, pretty sure not many people write the stuff i do, but i am a guy thats positive that i will never gain any kind of support for my content to a level i could say im earning anything really.
So what do i do?

I move my hard work, i have done in the real world to the steem blockchain.

When no amount of hard work (for me at least) can gain me anything really, nor do i expect it will in the long run, looking at what kind of content gets upvoted here organically, then i "import" my hard work in the form of $$$ from the real world to offset my limitations here..

Now you could say:

If you cant get upvotes organically then you shouldnt expect to earn anything. Write for fun or leave.

And to that i have to say: "Fuck that!"

If your content brings other people value and i cannot bring people value with my content, i will offer something else of value i have.
Money that is the result of me bringing value to someone else under different terms in the real world.
And you know what that means? That means i actually can bring value here. If those with money didnt bring value then bots would not exist.

People like you like to tell their success story: "Oh i worked hard, i worked my butt off, i did this, i upvoted this many times, i wrote this amount of comments....."
As if that gives them the some higher knowledge as to what will work better for everyone. What is the right path to take...


The truth of the matter is that youre just looking at this from your point of view, caring above all that your rewards seem to be falling and you are frustrated because a long term bot critic cannot falter and start using bots!
In one hand you have your integrity and in the other you have "the smart thing to do".

Now what should a person think.

Be like @.......... and struggle, or be smart and use the tools in front of you?

What should a smart person do?

The truth of the matter is that not everyone can earn something here, most cant. What you are doing is spreading false hope based on your anecdotal evidence and personal experience.

Making claims backed by nothing. "If only bots went away, if only people wouldnt use them then we would all be better off".

No, you would be better off!

Id probably fade away and stop writing all together. Can i compete with someone with 20k SP thats been here for years? How about someone smarter or more talented then me? Of course i cant, what i can do is slap some cash on the table and push forward the best way i can. Augment my potential here....

At the end of the day it all boils down to one thing.

Everyone fighting to improve their position and the community deciding what is tolerated and what is not.

The jury is in @...... And youve lost......

Maybe when SMTs come in the bots will be on the losing side.... for now it is like it is and no 1000 word comments will change that. You are barking at the moon.

And honestly... Trying to push the idea on others as to what they should value is kind of silly..

Have you ever considered that people just dont value your content as much as they value a few more dollars, and that makes you mad?
I know losing support feels bad, but maybe your content was overvalued "back in the day" and youre now where you should be realistically?
Are you humble enough to look at that possibility?

PS: Im not defending mister Paris here. I consider his content weak and practices "Jerry-like".

If youre interested in what he wrote to see if im misinterpreting his position, or fakenewsing, strawmaning, etc. you can find the post through my comments...


The point of a platform like Steemit and other social media sites is to build an audience. And to build that audience you must, funnily enough, socialise and network to get to know people and to have people actually view your content.

Using bots could potentially get you in front of people, but it won't necessarily convince people to engage with your content.

To see what I mean you only need to look at Joe's posts where he hasn't bought votes. People don't comment on his posts hardly at all, and he has 13,000 followers.

Take a look at nonames posts, or my posts for that matter. Real people actually comment on our content. Sure it might not make a tonne of money (my posts typically make around $2 - $4 organically), but the fact is, when I work hard at it, my audience grows and the votes on my posts grow in turn.

Buying votes isn't likely bring about quality engagement on your content or buy you the type of follower who will stick with you for the long run.

Noname didn't lose anything in that little debate on Joe's post. All the debate highlighted is how poorly informed bot users are when it comes to building an audience on Steemit. I mean.. this post was posted 13 hours ago and I'm the only person who has left a comment. And you bought votes.

And nonames argument was really that using bots is a practice that will only do harm to the platform in the long run. If everyone starts doing it then it forces the amount needed to get to the top of trending upwards, so more and more money needs to be spent. It's apractice that isn't good for the long term success of the platform. And really doesn't result in much by way of profit either.

And one other thing, you're talking about competing with people. Who the hell are you competing with? This platform is about engaging with other Steemit users. It's not a competition. Fucking hell mate... what an absurd point of view. Noname has 23k SP, I'm not competing with him. In fact we exchange votes from time to time - if and when we like each others content. That's the point here, the platform works best when people support each other. It's not a fucking competition.

The point of a platform like Steemit and other social media sites is to build an audience. And to build that audience you must, funnily enough, socialise and network to get to know people and to have people actually view your content.

Using bots could potentially get you in front of people, but it won't necessarily convince people to engage with your content.

Sure. But I dont see a point here. Making good content has a chance to get you in front of people, but it might not. Making bad content could get you up front but it may not. Fact is that regardless of content vast majority wont earn anything substantial here. Preaching "intentions" makes no difference to reality. The truth of the matter is: "Can you get whales to upvote you or can you not". Socializing, working hard, and all that stuff means absolutely nothing. (read my "in the mind of a pure cynic #2" post).

Buying votes isn't likely bring about quality engagement on your content or buy you the type of follower who will stick with you for the long run.

I dont care. I care only about token accumulation. My content might be the worst crap to ever hit the blockchain regardless of my effort and the work i put into it. Do you know what gets you interactions and followers? Fat fucking wallets and the ability to spread your wealth around. Go ask @berniesanders. Everything else is a "maybe". Focusing on accumulation of tokens i can fill up others pockets and in the end thats the most important thing to people. Do you think the Venezuelans going through crap they are care even in the slightest if your post has 1000 words or 10 if they know that by interacting with you they can get a 0.5$, 1$ upvote... They dont give a fuck.

. All the debate highlighted is how poorly informed bot users are when it comes to building an audience on Steemit.

First of all i dont think you are informed very well at how bots work here... But...
Nonames is a guy that made it here. Its like a CEO telling a homeless guy: "This is how i got rich, just do what i did".

In conclusion:

I dont care what you do. Posting a picture of a turd, boting it to #1 trending and writing: "Ill be giving everyone that can count the number of corn pieces there are 1 STEEM each".

That post would actually bring incredible value to everyone interacting. Now you could go around and complain, claiming what is better and what is not or you can take advantage of the opportunities in front of you.
There are things that could change for the better, trending page or whatnot, but someone that has a 1000 STEEM today, using the tools in front of him, in a year or so could have 10k STEEM and through his votes affect change, or he could continue posting for 0.5$ and preach how everything is shit and people are doing bad things.
Im always more for those that do more and talk less

Fun fact: At the time he sent 15 Steem, it was worth $12.75 USD. Currently his payout stands at $12.51 USD. If he sent the STEEM now, it's worth $11.85 USD. 12.51 - 11.85 = 0.66

Some of these votes must be organic. Buying votes was quite literally pointless.

It certainly was. That's one of the risks that vote buyers often don't take into account. A heavily fluctuating Steem price can kill any profit very quickly.

No it cant. You guys really need to look up how this stuff works.. Fluctuating steem price means absolutely nothing. Goes up or down means absolutely nothing. SBD is stable at 1 USD and if steem falls, sbd amount drops in relation to it. Meaning if Steem falls and i spent Steem to pay for upvotes and sbd is stable i still earn 10% more steem regardless.
I dont care about $ amounts. I care about token accumulation. If i kept it all in my account ill lose just as much $ as i did in post payout. The $ value means absolutely nothing. Im looking at how much steem i put in, and how much i get out. Its always 10% more and up to 30% more if i pay when external price is over the internal steem price. I always come on top in that regard. If i put in 10 steem i always get 11 Steem out. The $ price can drop to 10 cents in 7 days for all i care. You are thinking in terms of Fiat value. Im thinking in terms of token accumulation.
I made 300 steem in a month on a 1000 some steem investment. Track my transfers and its pretty clear.

Its actually more beneficial to me if steem doesnt go up a lot after i pay.
If it did after the payout there could be an overvaluation of steem in terms of SBD in the internal market and i could potentially get less steem back.
But then i can always trade it externally for profit.

I answered down below. For someone here 2 years i dont understand how you havent noticed how this all works... If SBD = 1 USD and STEEM goes down. SBD amount drops but SBD price is pegged to 1USD (in this case when STEEM is under 1USD in a bear market). If i pay Smartsteem with STEEM (say it didnt work like it does and the SBD amount didnt drop in payout affected by steem price) and the STEEM/SBD ratio is 2 STEEM for 1 SBD before drop (for example) and STEEM price drops during those 7 days, then i could on payout where i get SBD, trading SBD for STEEM make 3 STEEM for 1 SBD since SBD price remains the same. This isnt the case. For that not to happen SBD amount drops if STEEM drops. Therefor once the payout happens it still remains that i will get the same relative amount of STEEM to SBD as it was when i payed.

If Steem fell to 10 cents in 7 days i would not lose any more $ then by simply holding Steem in my wallet. But in actuality id have 10% more STEEM after payout then i put in, because i payed.

You took $16.12 out of the reward pool for nothing. You took that away from everyone, for nothing. You're wasting time trying to scrape pennies off the floor.

Screenshot (467).png

  1. Not wasting time. I get more then i put in.
  2. How am i taking anything? I didnt force upvote sellers to sell me anything. I didnt take anything from them, it was their decision to give it to me for a fee.

All of the bot votes add up and since you're not making any money here, it was pointless. That could mean thousands of dollars are removed from this reward pool for no reason and that means thousands of dollars can't go to posts that actually earn something. It was pointless. You could have posted this for free. I don't care if you decided to pay people 15 STEEM to post this here. They're not giving that back to you. They keep it. You work for them. They make more money from your effort than you do. You're just acting like a taxpayer.

But i am making actually more money then they are. Check http://isteemd.com/ and the values listed.
Didnt i tell you what compounded interest is? I make 10% per post, but over a large number of posts during the period of a month for example i make far more then that. I made around 300 STEEM last month just on bots, 70% of my total income.
They actually work for me. A more fair deal would be a 5% ROI instead of 10%+ im getting now per post.

Look at that image I sent you. You sent 15 Steem and you're not even getting 1 STEEM back in value.

It's right there in front of you, dude.

At the current values, you sent $12.41 USD in value to them. Once this post pays out, you're getting $12.34 USD. You're NOT earning 10 percent dude, you're now in the red for this post. The information is right in front of you. Have a look if you don't believe me.

Hi @lordbutterfly!

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