What is the weirdest thing you have seen a child draw? Read Carefully People

in #drama4 years ago

Picking up our five year old daughter from kindergarten, I am flagged down by the school’s principal. He wordlessly hands me a drawing made by my daughter in art class. His facial expression is a combination of awkward embarrassment, empathy and a bit of consternation.

That evening my wife and I examined the artwork and discussed at length what to do. Many minutes of strategizing resulted in the following conversation with our daughter as she sat on mommy’s lap at the kitchen table -

me, placing the artwork on the table: “Hey, honey, tell me about this picture you drew at school today!”

daughter: “Oh, I love that one! Do you like it?”

me: “I do! Can you tell me about it?”


daughter: “I drew it in art class!”

me: "Good! Sooo, tell me what you were drawing…”

daughter: “We were drawing our favorite things!”

My wife's eyebrows shoot up. My brows furrow and I try mightily to play it off as if I'm carefully examining the picture.

me: “That sounds fun. What favorite thing is this a drawing of, honey?”

daughter: “Daaaddyyyy! You know! It's a muffin on a table!”

wife: bursts out laughing

me: “Of course, honey! Great job!”


Case closed at last at last LOL

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