What do you think about self-upvoting a nearly meaningless two sentences comment with $0.78?

in #dpoll6 years ago (edited)

What do you think about self-upvoting a nearly meaningless two sentences comment with $0.78?

"Thanks for detailed information. I will update it soon."

Screenshot_2019-01-12 introvert-dime.png
Image source: Screenshot (Steemit).
Screenshot was taken on 2019.01.12, 09:40 CET.

You can find this comment under the eSteem Mobile 2.0.6 update brings Leaderboard, Drafts blog post.

This comment does not add any value to the blog post, yet the comment still have a potential payout of $0.78, because it is self-upvoted by @introvert-dime. You can't even justify this with visibility.
There is no reason to get visibility to a nearly meaningless comment.
There are other, meaningful comments under that blog post, and they have zero potential payouts. Not to mention the fact that a lot of people are working hard, and they put hours of work into their posts, and they can't even earn the half of the $0.78.

Am I the only one, who sick of these selfish, greedy people?
What do you think about it?

  • Self-upvoting that with $0.78 is really/very shameful/bad/selfish.

  • I don't have any problem with that or I don't care about it. Everyone may do whatever he/she wants with their own Steem Power / Voting Power.

  • Other.

Answer the question at dpoll.xyz.


Voted for I don't have any problem with that or I don't care about it. Everyone may do whatever he/she wants with their own Steem Power / Voting Power..

And why do you comment on this rubbish?

Why not?
Maybe the author of that rubbish wakes up and realize that his behavior is not proper.
My vote is currently worth less than a cent, so it would be pointless/meaningless to downvote his comment.
If my upvote would worth at least $0.78, then I would downvote his comment.
That would turn the potentional payout of that comment to zero ($0).
Maybe if someone would do that, that would maybe also wake him up.

Voted for I don't have any problem with that or I don't care about it. Everyone may do whatever he/she wants with their own Steem Power / Voting Power..

Live and let live. Of course, upvoting two or three other person's comments as well would have been a nice move.

Live and let live? The problem with this is the fact that many original authors are getting ignored on Steemit, but there are a lot of self-upvoters. There are so many selfish and greedy people on Steemit.
These people are ruining Steemit.
I agree with the "live and let live" philosophy in general, but this thing is not working in the case of Steemit.

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A stakeholder use their influence, to increase hes stake.
Technically is not problem, i think.

The big guys say, everyone have to make one selfvote each day, because if you are here, you are a part of community, and you have to make the community stronger. One way is the selfvote, because if the members are stronger, the community also stronger.

If someone make more than one selfvote a day, that is greedy or selfish, in one view, but in other view, everyone have right, handle the own stake any method.

Next to this, i dont make selfvote, because i find good contents always :)

Voted for Other..

0.78? Other are making that with 17.8 USD. Yes, I have a problem with it.

$17.8 USD? Wow! Do that just once a week, and you earn $71.2 USD per month.
Probably those people are doing it more.
Maybe this is also why a lot of people had enough (or became/becoming disappointed) of/in Steemit.

Voted for Self-upvoting that with $0.78 is really/very shameful/bad/selfish..

Voted for I don't have any problem with that or I don't care about it. Everyone may do whatever he/she wants with their own Steem Power / Voting Power..

Voted for Other..

If this is regular behavior, then people should just flag it.

Voted for I don't have any problem with that or I don't care about it. Everyone may do whatever he/she wants with their own Steem Power / Voting Power..

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