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RE: Dpoll 38: Should we judge others by our own values?

in #dpoll4 years ago

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Maybe yes for people in your own country, but there are many different cultures around the world. Something may be normal/convenient for you, while other people may see it different. Some things can even mean different things. Some things, which are usual for you, may mean impoliteness in other countries. For example have you heard that the people in Japan are not smiling with open lips? This is, because in their culture it is impoliteness if someone let others see his/her teeth.
You may clap at the end of a performance or meeting, but people are kocking the table in Germany. Clapping is reserved only for theater performances and for concerts. Do you know how people are introducing themselves in Spain? They are loud and friendly. If you visit them, do not get surprised, when they kiss you on your face at the introduction. This is an accepted greeting form there.
Men in India used to walk hand in hand. This does not mean that they are in love relationship. This is simply a sign of friendship. By the way, love couples does not express their feelings towards each other in public.
In some Asian countries, for example China, Korea or Japan, it is a sign of acceptance and appreciation the loud slurping of the soup, which in most of the cases is impropriety in the western cultures.
In some cultures, when you burp, it is normal, meaning you liked the food. it is even expected in the middle east countries, and it is disgusting in other cultures. If you look around the world, this may even be different withing a single country. Some people think that it is disgusting, while others not. In some cultures, when you nod your head "yes", you actually mean "no", because it is reversed in their culture. For example in Bulgaria.


I lived in Germany but never saw anyone knock the table instead of clapping their hands.

You can burp and slurp as much as you like in your own house or restaurant but if you are a visitor or guest you do not spit in front of my feet because you say its a habit in your country and you do not rape toddlers because it is common in your country... You live in mine and the rules and law that count for me count for you too.
If 100 km/hr is the max you are allowed on our highways you can not drive 180 because in your country you can.

But I think you know exactly what I mean.
If I go abroad I stick to the rules of that country. Especially if I am in public and it is not special or discrimination if foreigners do the same.

I do not care who walks hand in hand with whom, what people wear and grew up in a world where dirty smokers blew smoke right into your face. If I go to a restaurant I accept those who are loud and misbehave although it is my evening out too and I saved for it but I do not like and accept it and I do measure their behaviour to my standards, the way I am raised. I do the same with Dutchmen misbehaving during their holidays/abroad. A good reason to avoid them.

Thank you for your vote. 💕

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