How Important Is Spiritual Development/Well Being For You?

in #dpoll6 years ago

How Important Is Spiritual Development/Well Being For You?

We are stuck with our minds as long as we live. It is the thing that we are sure to spend the most amount of time with. We may loose a limb or two in a tragedy. But Our mind remains our own. This is why I consider spiritual development to be the most important part of my life.

Additionally, what if there is an afterlife? You are surely not going to be able to take anything from this world. You won't even have your body no matter how well you maintain it.

Our minds are also the very root of all our actions/karma. With the exception if some biological reactions like knee-jerks, we have to think to act. With a good wise and insightful mind comes good decisions and only with thinking smart we can build a better world.

But not everyone thinks like this. So I'd lik to know your opinion.

  • Spiritual Development Is The Most Important Thing In Life

  • Spiritual Development Is One Of The Most Important Thing In Life

  • I Balance My Spiritual Life With Other Things In Life

  • Spirituality Is Important, But Health Is More Important.

  • Spirituality Is Important, But Wealth/Power Is More Important.

  • Spiritual Development Is Not That Importnt

  • Who Cares Live And Let Live/YOLO

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Voted for Spiritual Development is Life

Voted for Who Cares Live And Let Live/YOLO.

Voted for Spiritual Development Is The Most Important Thing In Life.

Voted for Spiritual Development Is One Of The Most Important Thing In Life.

I approach this from the perspective of Maslow's Hierarchy. Spiritual development becomes more important as other needs are fulfilled. Since my other needs are largely, met, I consider it extremely important, but I recognize that I come from a position of privilege and not everybody has that luxury.

Voted for Spiritual Development Is One Of The Most Important Thing In Life.

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Voted for Spiritual Development Is The Most Important Thing In Life.

Voted for Spiritual Development Is One Of The Most Important Thing In Life.

Voted for Spiritual Development Is The Most Important Thing In Life.

Voted for Spiritual Development Is One Of The Most Important Thing In Life.

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