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RE: The better answer is?

in #dpoll5 years ago

Voted for

  • YES

It‘s a close tie. Yes is easier, no gives more reason for thought. In matters of safety: both answers can be revoced. So which one is better and safer?

Factually I tend to being optimistic. Therefore I voted yes.


Hey, @thomasthewolf.

Just wanted to let you know that reading your comment helped me to better understand what the poll question was all about. I was lost for a few seconds before I came here and found what you'd written. :) I guess I just don't pick on things like I used to when I was younger and more in the know.

Don't worry, understanding this question does not depend on one's age. I have chatted with @meins0815 sufficiently often to know his queer way of thinking. 😉 😎


oooohhhh sorry, for my thoughts the question was at the perfect point.
my crazy mind xD

go to the comment of @dotwin1981 and use for translation from german to english. he got my intention perfectly


@thomasthewolf !!!

komm du mir mal nach hause xD

Hm, wüsste nicht, was an der Frage nicht zu verstehen war. 🤔
Vielleicht tickt mein Grauer Brei im Kopf genauso wie deiner. 😋

Ich glaube, ich bleibe noch ein bisschen und bestelle nochmal ein Bier.

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