Seen Zoned, How Do You Feel About it?

in #dpoll5 years ago

Seen Zoned, How Do You Feel About it?

Sometimes it happens when for the life of us, we are unable to make a reply to a message sent to us. Be it a text message, an email or private message on chat. We have different reasons for not being able to reply. How do you usually feel when you for some reasons are not able to make one?

  • Guilty, there is no excuse for not making a reply

  • Indifferent, I could not care less

  • Just fine, I know they would understande me

  • No big deal, that is the norm these days

  • Life Oh Life, move on

  • Thank You Next

  • Vengeful, that is my way of revenge

  • That is a No No I make it a point to reply no matter what

  • Others ( specify)

Answer the question at


Voted for

  • Thank You Next

Voted for

  • Guilty, there is no excuse for not making a reply

Voted for

  • That is a No No I make it a point to reply no matter what

Voted for

  • No big deal, that is the norm these days

Voted for

  • Guilty, there is no excuse for not making a reply

Voted for

  • Vengeful, that is my way of revenge

Voted for

  • No big deal, that is the norm these days

Voted for

  • Thank You Next

Voted for

  • Guilty, there is no excuse for not making a reply
  • That is a No No I make it a point to reply no matter what

Voted for

  • Guilty, there is no excuse for not making a reply

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