McAfee Magic Crypto Trading Exchange Had Launched What Is Your Reaction?

in #dpoll5 years ago (edited)

McAfee Magic Crypto Trading Exchange Had Launched What Is Your Reaction?

John McAfee launched a new crypto trading platform recently. They say that " it is revolutionary as it enables both manual and automated trading, across multiple cryptocurrency exchanges all at the same time and from the comfort of a single user interface"

What can you say about this news?

  • I am not confident about security although John McAfee is an expert on that field

  • Trading with multiple exchanges all at the same time? that is ubelievable

  • I will have a look seems like a promising new exchange platform

  • I am not a trader so I do not care

  • The UI looks clean and easy to use but let us wait and see

  • Other ( add your reaction)

Answer the question at


The link led me to a 404 error!

Posted using Partiko Android

Sorry for that here is the right link
Thanks for checking and letting me know. I also corrected the bad link on the post 😊

Thank you

Posted using Partiko Android

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He is a professional coin shill. So its difficult to trust him. His tech is usually decent so I am sure it will work ok, but I have doubts he wont try to manipulate the market.

Voted for

  • I am not confident about security although John McAfee is an expert on that field

Voted for

  • I am not a trader so I do not care

Voted for

  • I will have a look seems like a promising new exchange platform

Voted for

  • I am not confident about security although John McAfee is an expert on that field

Voted for

  • I am not confident about security although John McAfee is an expert on that field

Voted for

  • Other ( add your reaction)

The dude is a total clown these days. I'dd rather stay away from anything he touches.

Voted for

  • I am not a trader so I do not care

Voted for

  • The UI looks clean and easy to use but let us wait and see

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