If you were going to be on Doomsday Preppers, which disaster would you pick as your reason for prepping?

in #dpoll5 years ago

If you were going to be on Doomsday Preppers, which disaster would you pick as your reason for prepping?

I think it's pretty clear that the preppers featured on this show are forced by the producers to pick one doomsday scenario and use that as an explanation for why they're prepping.

Realistically, people who prep for doomsday scenarios are prepping for disaster in general, not for one specific thing.

If these were the only options you had to choose from and you were going to be on the show, which would you pick?

  • Terrorist attacks

  • Deadly virus

  • Zombie apocalypse

  • World War III

  • EMP

  • Solar Flare

  • Asteroid Impact

  • Yellowstone Supervolcano

  • New Madrid Earthquake

Answer the question at dpoll.xyz.


Voted for

  • Deadly virus

That would probably be the best way to go, especially for people who don't survive. It'd be sort of like dying in your sleep, which is what people seem to consider to be ideal.

states that do not participate in protection against asteroids can already be disbanded

Voted for

  • World War III

That's definitely a possibility. It remains to be seen whether or not that would actually wipe out humans. There's always been war and we're still here.

depends on if it gets nuclear, I suppose. :)

Voted for

  • Zombie apocalypse

There is nothing better than zombie guts in the morning. :D
I would love to chop some zombies to bits. :D
Hahaha! :D

That would definitely be the most interesting, though it's probably also the least likely. :)

Civil war and wide spread riots!

That's also pretty likely, though the side with all of the guns will wipe out the other side in like... one day. ha.

Thanks for voting. That seems like the most likely to happen out of all of the options, sadly.

@sharkthelionthank you.

Voted for

  • Zombie apocalypse

Plenty of nut jobs focus their prep on one major tinhat issue even if they also prep for other things in general.

I believe that for sure, but I definitely still think a lot of them probably are forced to just focus on one for the sake of the show.

I wonder if there are any post show interviews with guests from the show.

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