Are all these Steem engine tokens good for steem?

in #dpoll5 years ago

Are all these Steem engine tokens good for steem?

I for one think these new tokens a great and brining in new energy to Steem!
It helps any who thinks they can do it better but not leave Steem itself.
However I have seen arguements where these token dilute the power of Steem. What do you think?

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  • Nope

  • Kinda

  • Other? Plz explain

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YEP. Resounding yes. Needed more alternatives, more competition to what has become "The Boardgame Steemit," where dynamics are next to none and the same bullet is shot at the same spot where toes used to be. Competition, open competition at that along with the ability to have these additional coins available for the masses will evolve into something great if centralized figures leave them alone and just let them happen. Steem is still the reserve currency for virtually all of these so it's a wonderful thing for steem with little to nothing for the heads of STINC to worry about. Let the markets and chips fall where they may @sames in my humble opinion, these will get better and better over time offering alternatives meeting more and more wants and needs for the community.

Good point!
I think a main concern is that if a token is large enough it can become it own chain thus value leaving the system. I might argue that Dlive and Dtube are exp of this. While Dtube is a more on term relationship is still leaving steem even if it had valid reasons too(it could of still built as a sidechain thus having a more steem relationship IMO)

Completely agree. The more alternative communities the better.

Although all these random airdrops I'm getting is reminding me of the early days of crypto with TrumpCoin and JesusCoin and PepeCash and all the joke/sketchy coins that came out. I think most of these SCOTS will die out.

Ah haha that's pretty funny, yes this was the first thing I thought, there will tokens for every use we can possibly imagine...and then several more. The ones that are well run, efficient, genuine, and well.. legit will be the question. We have had games that have popped up that have had trouble meeting their promises and some even obligations. Being a big steemmonsters fanatic they have done a wonderful job of setting that standard as I hope the tokens they have generated for the game. Steemit is going to turn into a giant interactive tokenized magazine rack @erickpinos and I think that gives us all invested in steem to any degree a great sigh of relief and actually shocks me the value that steem currently holds with all of this popping up at the moment. I think the long term value for steem is boosted greatly in this coming out. Thanks a ton for the read, best of luck and enjoy your time wading through the many tokens to come.

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  • Yep

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  • Yep

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Yes and no The tokens are a great idea the trash ones not a good idea. Having traded stocks many years ago I am used to doing research on (stocks) in this case tokens. They are some good ones there and some real junk as well. Take your time when on steem-engine and you can find some good deals.

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  • Kinda

Any reasons do you think so?

Nothing really specific.... I just don't know how to feel anymore about lots of things...all I can do is wait&see..😎

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  • Other? Plz explain

There are many tokens on the Steem Engine.
I know only several of them.
There are some definitely good tokens, but maybe not all of the Steem Engine tokens are good.
I currently don't know anything about the majority of the tokens, and probably many tokens are being created day by day.
All of these tokens and the Steem Engine itself are relatively new.
We will see.

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  • Yep

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