Do you still have the power to feel surprised?

in #dpoll6 years ago (edited)

Do you still have the power to feel surprised?


My question would seems very childish. But I know many people out there who are living a life in their own level that they don't get surprised in something anymore, no matter how amazing or surprising the thing is! There emotional status is something different or life gives them so much lessons that they don't get surprised to anything. They are something like attachment-less to any thing; any relationship or any materials.

Now a days, I don't know why I am also feeling sort of like this. I am loosing my attachment with others, feeling less interested in everything thing and anything does not making me curious any more. I am not sure whether I am getting old, mature, love less, depressed or something else.

In few years I have got many surprises and I acted like I am feeling amazing by those. But deep inside I know that I feel nothing and I don't give a damn to anything anymore. I will be 29 on next year. So I am not sure whether it's a normal thing or not.

What's your condition if you are in my age or pass my age? Do you still have the feeling to get surprised at something, get emotional for someone or nothing bothers you anymore?

  • Yes, I still feel surprised at people's love, behaviour and the world order

  • No, I don't give a damn anymore

Answer the question at


Voted for No, I don't give a damn anymore.

Oh! What a relief. I have a gang. Ha ha ha.

Posted using Partiko Android

Voted for No, I don't give a damn anymore.

" All this has happened before, and all this will happen again. " (Battlestar Galactica)
No, in reality, not all, and sometimes are new things happening, surprises arise. But in some terrains, the same patterns are repeating itself. For example, people are the same, as 1000, 2000 or 5000 years ago: they are good, bad, greedy, lovely, jelaous, power-hungry etc., varying the same characteristics as in the classic Greek or Roman dramas.

I read somewhere that human brain can't evolve so quickly as technics, so we have basically the same brains as our hunter-gatherer ancestors in the woods.

That's a clear understanding.

Posted using Partiko Android

Voted for Yes, I still feel surprised at people's love, behaviour and the world order.

Voted for Yes, I still feel surprised at people's love, behaviour and the world order.

But very rarely.

Voted for No, I don't give a damn anymore.

Same here.

Posted using Partiko Android

Voted for Yes, I still feel surprised at people's love, behaviour and the world order.

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