Do you think bid bots should accept payment to give downvotes (flags) as well as upvotes?

in #dpoll6 years ago

Do you think bid bots should accept payment to give downvotes (flags) as well as upvotes?

I was thinking that the whole ecosystem here may benefit if people were able to buy flags as well as upvotes. This could make it easier to balance out perceived abuse and give everyone, especially the anti-abuse communities more say in what they see as being acceptable and what isn't.
Your thoughts and votes please :-)

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Big flagging wars would break out...

dpoll running so slowly lately, I'm just going to say, yes... that would be great.

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  • Yes

Idea is good but hard to implement for practical reasons.

I think we could work out at least a financial incentive with SFR on flags against abuse at least but retaliation is a valid concern. 🤔

Posted using Partiko Android

You pre-empted my next question as I was going to ask you anyway! So please, why is it harder to implement than an upvote? Just the maths or more complex coding reasons ?

not a technical challenge but in practice, what happens if I pay the bot owner to flag a whale? The whale will strike back. Same thing with orcas, dolphins, etc.

That's possible but I would have hoped that wouldn't happen to the bot owners as many of them are big bot users anyway and a ban would stop that.....I would bring a whole new dynamic to Steem and for us little fellas, might be fun to watch ;-)

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People are gonna abuse that in a huge percentage. There are steemcleaners and steemflagrewards for this. 😃

Actually, I was thinking we could devise a system with @steemflagrewards to help provide an incentive for downvotes purchased against abuse. My answer outlines a bit of the particulars.

It had been discussed in the past for which had been discontinued. They actually offered downvotes but stopped after a time. (Possibly due to retaliatory flags.)

Posted using Partiko Android

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Yes, but there needs to be a financial incentive for the user.

Maybe, @steemflagrewards could devise a system by which the downvote bidder can be rewarded by commenting, providing proof-of-bid such as transaction hash, and abuse category to be reviewed and approved by a moderator.

Think that it is a great idea and would be happy to work with abuse fighting or supporting bid bot owners such as @themarkymark or @therealwolf to implement such a system.

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  • Yes

In the spirit of laissez-faire economics I vote a resounding yes.. I see no issues with two way streets..

Hi, you're the first person to vote 'no'. May I ask why you think its a bad idea?

That would be an another step toward censorship.

That would be an another step toward censorship.

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