Giving away SBI for game ideas

in #dpoll5 years ago (edited)

Giving away SBI for game ideas

The contest is simple. Write any game idea as the "optional" thoughts when answering and the best idea (selected by me) will win 1-5 SBI depending on the idea presented.

The SBI will be sent when the poll closes (7 days from now)

  • This is my idea:

  • I don't want to participate

Answer the question at


Voted for

  • This is my idea:

I'd like a multiplayer choose your adventure story. Every player gets to make their own choices in game and their actions dictate the direction of the story. Every player has some control over o the story unfold but nobody has full control.

How long would you make the gameplay? How many people at once? Would it be like a 4 player multiplayer game or something large scale? Would it progress without you online or does each player have their own save?

Not picking on your idea, just curious :)

Voted for

  • This is my idea:

I have multiple game ideas:
There should be a MOBA game on the Steem blockchain.
For example similar to Dota 2, League of Legends, Heroes of the Storm.
FPS games (for example similar to Counter-Strike: Global Offensive) should be also good.
There should be a competitive section with Steem and/or with Steem Dollars (SBD) prizes
There should be item and skin drops, like in Dota 2 and in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive.
The items should be sellable and transferable, and they should have a value in Steem and/or in Steem Dollars (SBD).
A strategy game (for example similar to Heroes of Might and Magic 1-2-3) should be also good.
I would be happy for any Steem blockchain game from any of the above mentioned genre.

All awesome ideas :) I would like to spice up my Steem coding skills and maybe someday create something similar to these :)

Thanks. I have many video game ideas for the Steem blockchain, but I currently don't have any coding skills.
For example racing games similar to Forza Horizon 3-4 would be good for the Steem blockchain.
Wheelspin with cars, clothes and other things.
Maybe an in-game market with the above mentioned (and maybe other) things, and/or micro transactions with Steem and/or with Steem Dollars (SBD).

You won 2 SBI :)

Thank you for the 2 SBI shares!

Voted for

  • This is my idea:

A "crypto-exchange game". A simulated cryptocurrency-exchange, where players can buy and sell virtual cryptos for virtual money, on real-life prices. Maybe with some slight leverage (3-9x)?

Cool idea but I have a feeling it wouldn't be that entertaining without a steem reward system for example :(

You should make more clear what type of game you wish... with graphics? Or card-style?
Many ideas are invented already. I would take a look in the repertoire of the 90s... Space Invaders, Tetris, Legend of Zelda, Leisure Suit Larry.... Civilization? :)

I understand. I wanted basically anything :) I wanted to give away some SBI while also making the giveaway a bit of a challenge. I am not saying your idea was bad.

•   This is my idea:

Shopping cart bumper-carts

Posted using Partiko iOS

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Voted for

  • This is my idea:

The game is called Exit Scam.

Everybody who wants to brag to strangers that they lost some steem in an exit scam in order to virtue signal crypto knowledge.

Implementation is low tec. Just a wallet to send the amount of steem you want to loose.

After a month you can get a memo depending on the amount of steem you sent. The more steem you sent the more insulting the memo.


Voted for

  • I don't want to participate

That's alright :)

Voted for

  • This is my idea:

No idea lol

Voted for

  • This is my idea:

I have no idea. But, I think distributing PAL, SNAX etc tokens may work.

Voted for

  • This is my idea:

How about playing Blur over the internet instead of LAN?

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