What Kind Of Dpolls Do You Like?

in #dpoll5 years ago

What Kind Of Dpolls Do You Like?

One of the reasons I like dpoll is because of the engagement that happens on my posts. In many cases, a dpoll will far exceed in engagement that of most any other type of post I might publish.

I think that's mostly because it's easy to engage with ready made choices, but I also think the idea behind the dpoll is to get what people are thinking, anyway, rather than telling them what you think like in a blog (though I tend to get my two cents in with a dpoll, too).


I'm aware, though, that not everyone likes dpolls. I suppose the length of the post may have something to do with, but I believe the type of dpoll and its tone have something to do with it, too. There have been attempts to gauge what people think about important STEEM matters that have been either ignored or downplayed as not serious enough because of the possible options.

I do have to say that in some cases, it would be nice to have different options, but the beauty of dpoll is, the creator is the one who decides what the choices will be. The reader can choose to participate or not based on the responses available.

I think it would be more than appropriate for Steemit Inc., or a witness, or some prominent community leader to use dpoll to see what the rest of us think. I know it's been done in the past. I would hope it would be something that could be ongoing.

So, what say you? What kind of dpolls do you most often like to participate in? Please choose as many as you actually like, and feel free to comment on your choice(s).

  • Serious dpolls about STEEM related topics

  • Humorous dpolls about STEEM related topics

  • Anything non-STEEM related, serious or not

  • I like all kinds of dpolls, but I want them serious and scientific

  • I like all kinds of dpolls, but I don't really care about their tone

  • Humorous dpolls are my favorites

  • I like vague dpolls. The more ambiguous, the better

  • Gaming or game related dpolls

  • Philosophical dpolls

  • I like dpolls that refer to things we all deal with in everyday life

  • Sports dpolls

  • I like dpoll contests. Show me the money!

  • Dpolls about dpoll

  • Other (please elaborate)

Answer the question at dpoll.xyz.


Voted for

  • Serious dpolls about STEEM related topics
  • I like dpoll contests. Show me the money!

Hey, @jeffjagoe.

Serious STEEM related dpolls seem to be surging here. :) I'll know in a few minutes if it catches up to all dpolls regardless of tone, though. I've been going through the replies so I don't know the results so far. Kind of fun to look at it comment by comment.

I've noticed there's been a lot of dpoll contests in the recent past. I haven't noticed as many, but there seems to be a general downturn in the number of dpolls happening now, too.

Voted for

  • Other (please elaborate)

I like every type of dpoll. I like variety in life and so in the Steem blockchain.

Hey, @akdx.

I think a lot of people have gone that way, and probably for the same reason you cite. Variety, healthy discussions, the ability to have a safe haven to offer up opinions and ideas. All good, for life and the chain.

Yes. This is the beauty of this platform.

Voted for

  • I like all kinds of dpolls, but I don't really care about their tone
  • I like dpoll contests. Show me the money!

Hey, @diverse.

re: all kinds of dpolls, regardless of tone

Yeah, I think that's becoming the consensus here, and I think it's for the best. As long as most of us are getting the types of dpolls and accompanying tone we desire, I think that's good. We don't all like the same things, so there really needs to be various kinds of dpolls to choose from.

And dpoll contests seem to be popular, too. :)

Voted for

  • I like all kinds of dpolls, but I don't really care about their tone

I think dpoll is fantastic. I try to vote lots of different polls to help with the numbers. We use dpoll for our contest @phctop3 and it gets us some excellent results. I think it would be great to push the awareness of dpoll to more steemians because they do a great job and it is reliable. Thanks for the post.


Hey, @phctop3.

I'm glad you've been able to find a use case beyond the normal dpoll. Contests are one of the best ways, when done right, so good on you for that.

Do you think it's just awareness? I mean, people should know it exists. Maybe it's coming up with the topic and the answers? I find all of that fun, but it might not be that way for others, I guess. I think it makes it easier for people to engage with if things are pretty ready made, and the choices are actually on topic and covering the bases. I always need other as an option, though. :)

Agreed. Some people are looking for things to be organised for them and straightforward, others don't mind so much. That's definitely one of the challenges with our contest. It's fairly complex and were trying to make it as simple as possible. That's definitely a bonus of using the dpoll. So easy and clear.


Voted for

  • Serious dpolls about STEEM related topics
  • Humorous dpolls about STEEM related topics
  • Anything non-STEEM related, serious or not
  • I like dpolls that refer to things we all deal with in everyday life
  • I like dpoll contests. Show me the money!

I post dPolls 4-6 times a week. They are easy to do, get great engagement, have fairly good rewards and give me interesting answers and help when I need an answer for a question.

Polling is very popular on Social Media in general and I am glad we have it on STEEM. It's a good place for newcomers to start. All thumbs up for dPoll :)

Hey, @bxlphabet.

I agree with you on all points. I'd do more dpolls myself, but I'd probably have to sit down and come up with topics ahead of time. As it is, though, I'm not going to touch 4-6 a week. Maybe before I went back to work.

I really liked Musing. I guess it's still around but anyway, dpoll seems to have more going for it now so I like checking it out at least a couple of times a week and participating in as many as I can, which is probably not as much as I would like. I've noticed a downturn in the number of them since the hardfork, though. Hopefully, they will revive and I won't go through a week's worth of dpolls in the same amount of time it used to take to go through a day or two.

Voted for

  • I like all kinds of dpolls, but I want them serious and scientific
  • I like vague dpolls. The more ambiguous, the better

Hey, @erica005.

Now, there's a combination I haven't seen a lot of yet—serious, scientific and ambiguous. :) My guess is, those work both sides of the brain—the analytical and the creative. I like it. :)

Voted for

  • Serious dpolls about STEEM related topics
  • Anything non-STEEM related, serious or not
  • Gaming or game related dpolls
  • Philosophical dpolls
  • I like dpoll contests. Show me the money!
  • Dpolls about dpoll

Hey, @d-zero.

Okay. I get the feeling you like all kinds of dpolls. :)

Which is good, since there does tend to be a variety of them.

Any kind of dpoll you might like to see more of?

Voted for

  • Serious dpolls about STEEM related topics
  • Humorous dpolls about STEEM related topics
  • I like dpolls that refer to things we all deal with in everyday life
  • Dpolls about dpoll

Hey, @emrebeyler.

STEEM, life and dpoll. Sounds about right. :)

It is good to be able to laugh about what goes on here, as well as take the time to get serious. You kind of need both to really get anywhere. I don't think any of us what to be casual when it comes to safeguarding our stakes, or how to improve the platform, but there's certainly enough material for humor to last for at least months, I would think, if people choose to do them. :)

Voted for

  • Serious dpolls about STEEM related topics
  • I like all kinds of dpolls, but I want them serious and scientific
  • Gaming or game related dpolls
  • Philosophical dpolls
  • I like dpoll contests. Show me the money!
  • Dpolls about dpoll

Hey, @vimukthi.

Another one for dpolls about dpolls! Yes, I totally skipped over the others. :)

So, your the second one that likes their dpolls serious and scientific, as opposed to humorous, lighthearted, or even shabbily thought out. I guess I'm not so much for the ones that really don't make so much sense to me, or don't seem to get their own point. There needs to be some thought put into it for sure.

As for serious STEEM related dpolls, there's at least two of you so far. :)

Voted for

  • I like dpolls that refer to things we all deal with in everyday life
  • Dpolls about dpoll

Hey, @literalypotato.

Aha! Someone who actually likes this dpoll about dpoll! Woohoo!

The dpolls that refer to everyday life are certainly among the easiest to participate in, I think, and show the common ground and perhaps diversity there is to be had here. It's good to have communal experiences like that.

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