The Steemit account does not curate. Why?

in #dpoll5 years ago (edited)

The Steemit account does not curate. Why?

Dpoll does. Dtube does. Busy does. Other dApps do.

Why not the Steemit account?

Would it do more harm than good? Are there limits to what the reward pool can handle? Should Steemit not use its stake because it's just too large?

Please choose the answer you feel best reflects your thoughts, and feel free to expound on why you chose it.

Image source—steemitworld.

  • The Steemit Account is too big. 33 million-plus SP would destroy the reward pool.

  • Steemit would just take curation away from the rest of us if they did that.

  • Steemit Inc. doesn't need to curate. They've got advertising to make money with.

  • Good question. I don't know why they don't curate.

  • Maybe they should curate. They could try it on the first. See what it does to the reward pool.

  • I think they should be curating. It would actually help STEEM if they did.

  • Dude! Even with a 1% upvote, they'd leave 30 times more than I make on a post!!!

  • Steemit needs the account to pay bills.

  • Other (please explain)

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Voted for

  • Steemit would just take curation away from the rest of us if they did that.

Hey, @cryptoburner.

Thank you for your response. There are plenty of people saying that, and I know I've read similar sentiments in comments. I just haven't been able to verify how much it might be, or whether there upvoting posts would end up offsetting any loss incurred in curation. Have you? As far as I know Steemit has never tried it, even in small percentages, and I'd be interested to see if it's ever been tried, tested, etc.

Voted for

  • Good question. I don't know why they don't curate.

Hey, @abbak7.

Me neither. At least nothing concrete.

I've read some comments over the months that say that the reward pool would be unduly roiled, or that it would go too much in their favor, sucking rewards from the rest of us, etc. I've also read that it's best if it just stays put so the rest of us have more to draw from, and I've heard that it should also be dispersed throughout the rest of the community at some point (something that Steemit apparently said they would do from the beginning).

We also so recently where a shell of a pull request about hard forking Steemit's account off of STEEM on an unrelated Github repository caused a reaction by Steemit to start powering down, which in turn caused a reaction by others to call for hard forking Steemit, if not directly, at least as 'something to be discussed.'

So, I'm searching for the right answer when it comes to this, and I'm increasingly concerned that no one really knows.

Other. They indicated at the beginning that their large stake would eventually be mostly given to the community (which didn't happen). There has been a knock on them from the start over that large stake being centralization which has been part of the FUD we see in the larger cryptoshere. If they were to begin using it, it would bolster that attack, as well as shrink the pool from everyone else. Indirectly they already have a massive pull from the vest adjustments from the pool.

Notice that for the most part, they allow this to be a wild west free for all. They could use their stake to stop many things, use it to promote many things. They have shown for the most part they are willing to cede control until such a time as others raise a large enough stake to shed them of the FUD.

Hey, @practicalthought.

I've read about the eventual dispersal to the community. While it hasn't largely happened yet, they do have 10 million STEEM committed to the foundation the STEEM Alliance is working on. And while that doesn't constitute all their STEEM, it's a hefty amount. If it happens, obviously.

I get the centralization part. I also get that they created STEEM and despite what anyone else thinks, by virtue of creating it, they have more right to it than anyone. Even if they welch on their good intentions. It is true, that has consequences, and people call it all kinds of things, but as you say later, they've really done nothing, overtly anyway, that I can tell. They're not really controlling anything here, other than through the hard forks, and for the most part, they've made things more Wild West than not (except if you don't have money to invest or another way to quickly pump up RCs).

re: shrink the pool

I've read that, too, but how do we know this? And would it make any difference if they were upvoting at a quarter of percent as opposed to 10 percent or higher?

I went looking for posts (unfortunately spent most of the day doing it) and came up with nothing regarding why Steemit shouldn't do it. I know I've read comments as to why, but those are even harder to find.

I've come to the conclusion on a lot of what happens here, especially after Hard Fork 20, that no one really knows what would happen, and that it's oftentimes (maybe not all the time) merely conjecture. I don't want conjecture. I want proof. I want to see where it was tested and how badly it failed. Maybe someone has already done that and I just can't find it because, well, you can't hardly find what you want on STEEM.

Which is another thing, but besides the point. :)

Voted for

  • Other (please explain)

I think they should allocate SP to other quality curation projects and allow them to decide on who should be curated and receive upvotes.
Steem inc. Needs to remain neutral and allow the community to naturally make decisions on what's worthy of upvotes or not.

(Let's be honest, would you trust them to make good decisions? They can't even role out a simple wallets split without screwing up an already clunky front end and pissing half the community off in the process lol)
Hope you're well mate :-)

Hey, @nathen007.

I am doing okay. Thank you. :) You?

re: allocate SP

I wouldn't mind allocating/giving SP to curation projects, if that's how they wanted to do it. I believe that your account is your account, so it would be up to them, obviously. The more I think about it and the more I see, the less I like the idea of it all being sidelined, though.

re: neutrality

I think they've pretty much let things go, when they really don't have to. I think they have interests to protect, just like any one of us would, and just because they created the STEEM blockchain and are the main force behind it now, doesn't mean, in my mind, that they don't get a say. That's like being invited to live with someone in a home that's not yours, maybe even being fed and clothed, too, and then being told to shove off while we trash their house. :)

re: good decisions

I think they're pretty oblivious or arrogant or whatever it is when it comes to a lot of things. I don't think anyone affiliated with Steemit Inc would want to take the time to curate anyway, so they'd have to hire on or contract out or something. The idea is, putting their money where their mouth is.

STEEM is supposed to be the place where individuals, businesses, and organizations can come and create revenue. Everyone here tries to do it except them. They get to live off whatever 'interest' they earn from their holdings, and now, since that wasn't enough, I guess ads, which in their own literature they say ads are a double edged sword and that STEEM was created as the better way.

I think anything they do of any major import that substantially changes anything is going to upset someone. I knew since January from reading their blog that they were going to make the wallet split. I knew I should write down the passwords, too. I'm not thrilled with the way the wallet works now, constantly needing to sign in every time you want to do something (that needs to be fixed), but I don't mind the intent of keeping it safe while they mess around with the social part.

There's informing people of changes, and there's also everyone's responsibility to be informed, and I think both sides needs to do a better job of it and not think what they're already doing is enough.

So, after all that, I really do think we're on the same page (though I'm wondering if you think that way. :) There's no way to deny or deflect what you're saying, and I agree the track record is bumpy at best. I just think we'd all be better served if that SP was doing more than waiting to be de-powered to pay bills.

Voted for

  • Steemit would just take curation away from the rest of us if they did that.

I think Steemit should keep supporting projects and dApps with delegations as this appears to be the best option for me.

Curating users with such an amount of Steem Power will obviously led to the downfall of many dApps like partiko, Esteem and

Also, if Steemit has to start curating, most people will target the curation system or curation team (in the case of manual curation) and they will always be legit complaints and criticism about the system.

Hey, @akomoajong.

I can't really argue with any of that. I could see where people might want to stop using the other blogging dApps for Steemit, although partiko and esteem are more geared for mobile, and those who are using it are more likely to keep using it because it's their only option or the more convenient option. Otherwise, I can't see trying to thumb away on a tiny screen. :)

I'm sure it does open Steemit up to all kinds of calls for corruption, above and beyond what they've got now. I think they're darned if they do and darned if they don't, no matter what. Some people just have it out for them, and they have the luxury of not needing to prove they could do anything better.

It goes against the grain, in my opinion, to have ads running all over the blog feed page, when STEEM was specifically created as a better way. It also goes against the grain that Steemit is expected, apparently, to help every dApp that comes along that gathers a following of some kind when none of them seem to need any capital or feasible business plan to speak of, can get their following somehow, and then even leave for their own blockchain or start up SMTs on Ethereum if they so desire.

So, it's like pick your poison. :) And none of it seems to help Steemit, and until there's a viable option for STEEM blockchain and maintenance, it doesn't help STEEM, either.

Hello Glen, I think you have cited out some great Points over there and I also want to give you a thumbs up for a great poll 👍

although partiko and esteem are more geared for mobile, and those who are using it are more likely to keep using it because it's their only option or the more convenient option.

Personally, I'm browsing from mobile and even though I turn to be addicted to partiko, I rarely used it to post. This is because partiko does not offer much in terms of post curation. This to say should Steemit start curating posts, it will be an easy switch for me and if they extend this curation to comments, I might end up uninstalling Partiko :)

It also goes against the grain that Steemit is expected, apparently, to help every dApp that comes along that gathers a following of some kind when none of them seem to need any capital or feasible business plan to speak of, can get their following somehow, and then even leave for their own blockchain or start up SMTs on Ethereum if they so desire.

I understand what you are pointing out though I am not sure Steemit is currently delegating to a dApp or initiative that is not having a great impact on the blockchain. With the case of Dlive, Steemit was just a victim of circumstance as even the entire community had their believe in Dlive.

Always grab to connect with you. Have a great day ahead! 🍻

Posted using Partiko Android

Voted for

  • Other (please explain)

They don't need anymore stake, they have at least 20% of the total supply. Not just that one account. I don't think a lot of people would be very happy if they did start using it.

Personally I'm not one to judge, I wouldn't protest if they decided to start using it. Not unless they started self voting shit posts with it, then we might as well make like a tree and leave.. hehe 🤣

As for the reward pool, utilizing just that 33 million SP (not including the rest) as long as it was on other peoples accounts their reward from curating would probably net them about 35k steem a week of the total 866k supply. Self voting probably 4x as much as they have 16% of the 200 million SP on that one account.

Hey, @pjau.

Finally! Someone showing up with some math!

I guess I question what they need, then. They apparently need to use their stake to pay bills—they've been doing that since I got here. I think it's reasonable they should pay their devs and other employees for the work they're doing, especially since it's pretty specialized, proprietary work. Which to me means, they should be able to make money, because apparently the SP they do have sitting there is supposed to keep the reward pool high enough so others can take it (other whales, I'm guessing).

I'm just trying to make sense of why Steemit has to resort to ads, when STEEM was designed as the answer to ads, and every dApp that shows up is using STEEM to earn revenues, to whatever degree they can, and might even be receiving a hefty delegation from Steemit to do it.

So, if they were pulling down that kind of SP a week, it would add to the reward pool, right? And they wouldn't have to use the reserves? And in the meantime, the rest of us could be enjoying some decent upvotes.

I'm sure there would have to be some rules set up, and it wouldn't be ned or anyone currently working for Steemit who would end up doing the curating, and it would probably be good if those folks were compensated somehow, and there would still be cries of foul play because that's what people do when it's not them running the show and having to defend their own stupid mistakes....

But I digress. :)


They apparently need to use their stake to pay bills

They could always impose a beneficiary tax for using the Steemit website to post. I don't know how high it would have to be, but even if they made it low like 1% I'm sure that would help to fund their staff. 👍

I'm just trying to make sense of why Steemit has to resort to ads

I'm ok with the ads, they only show it to people that are not logged in. I use Brave browser now so that has a build in blocker anyway, before that I was always an Adblock user. To be honest they would be better off making it so people can pay with Steem to advertise on the website, that would not only be easy for users to use, they would be doing something investors would be interested in, paying for advertising with crypto, who wouldn't want to do that? And a blockchain that allows you to create a system where it is possible to do that and also has a built in community and is a social media platform. Like wtf, why are they using Google ads.. haha, allowing people to opt in to these crypto ads too, maybe rewarding them for opting in! Why are they not doing this. 😍

So, if they were pulling down that kind of SP a week, it would add to the reward pool, right?

It would reduce majority of users SP earning by a noticeable amount. Unless you were the lucky account being curated by the god account that is @steemit. 😍🙌 But I'm sure they could get by with 35k Steem a week for funding dev.

have to be some rules set up

Corruption will happen whatever the rules. 😂

Voted for

  • Other (please explain)

What is the point of having more than 33 million Steem Power, if they are not doing anything with it, other than Powering it Down?
They should definitely do something good with it.
Maybe they should curate, but at least they should delegate some of their Steem Power to project/dApp developers, and/or to good dApps.
Maybe they should (at least sometimes) give (even some small) upvotes to new and old users to encourage them to use the platform.
A lot of people's posts are not seen, and the user retention of Steemit is very bad.
Many people are left and still leaving Steemit and the whole Steem blockchain.
Or maybe the Steemit account should upvote interesting and quality contents, including posts about project/dApp development to support project and dApp developers.
Or maybe they should upvote quality, meaningful, real, human comments to encourage real, human interaction on the Steem blockchain, but especially on Steemit. Nowadays the real, human interaction on Steemit is rare.
Or maybe the Steemit account should upvote contests, giveaways, and photo and other challenges.
All of these would support certain groups on the Steem blockchain, and also the whole community of Steemit and the Steem blockchain.
The Steemit account probably should at least delegate some of their Steem Power to project/dApp developers, or to good dApps.
For example dPoll, Steem Monsters (Splinterlands), SteemWorld, Musing, TokenBB.
If they would delegate some Steem Power to project/dApp developers and/or to good dApps, then that would actually help the whole Steem blockchain.

Hey, @xplosive.

Sounds like you and I are pretty much on the same page. I'm coming at it from the aspect of what could be beneficial to Steemit Inc from a revenue earning perspective—the Steemit account should be able to generate a bunch of curation, but could also do some other things to generate income.

And they could certainly allocate more to delegation, which they already have over 18 million in SP going to various different dApps and other projects. Musing had one until it was pulled. I'd wholeheartedly agree that steemworld is should get one.

The power downs are back to what they believe they need to pay people. I don't think what they earn as a massive holder of SP is enough to keep up with what they take out. The larger amounts they were powering down because of the potential hard fork incident has stopped. Eventually, though, unless their revenue increases, they will run out of SP in all of their accounts.

So, everything you say there would be great, and better if they were generating income from it.

Thanks for contributing to the dPoll content.

You have been upvoted from our community curation account (@dpoll.curation) in courtesy of This Guy... @bluerobo.

Come, join our community at dPoll discord server.

If you want to support dPoll curation, you can also delegate some steem power. Quick steem connect links to delegate:
50SP | 100SP | 250SP | 500SP

I appreciate this upvote, thank you, @dpoll.curation and @bluerobo. I think dpoll is a great way to build community and serve engagement on the STEEM blockchain, if people will use it that way. Keep up the good work. :)

Voted for

  • I think they should be curating. It would actually help STEEM if they did.

Hey, @alexvanaken.

I'd like to believe that. There's plenty of people who think differently. My main thought in this was, it gives Steemit the ability to generate more income without using ads, and it keeps them true to their founding mission with STEEM, to provide a better way than ads. What better way to do that than having the flagship app leading the way. But there's a lot of distrust, and some of it is definitely earned. At this point, I doubt we'll ever find out, but I think it's good to wonder, and discuss it.

Thank you for participating. Is there anything you would like to add?

I think there are definitely some projects that would be worth their time to upvote even micro-percents. But that is ultimately up to their discretion, just like any other stakeholder so I understand also. Maybe they will play a bigger role in the social rewarding aspect in the future.

Voted for

  • The Steemit Account is too big. 33 million-plus SP would destroy the reward pool.

Hey, @rem-steem. Thank you for your answer.

It seems like I've read comments to that effect, too, by others who are in the know (or know better how the reward pool works), but I couldn't find any posts about it, or studies that might simulate what would happen if Steemit did it. Or where they tried it on a testnet just to see. Have you? Trying to find posts around here, especially old ones, is like looking for a needle in a haystack, :)

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