Do You Fear Your Government?

in #dpoll6 years ago (edited)

Do You Fear Your Government?

It's a relevant question that nobody ever asks but everyone does think about it time to time. Some people truly believe that their governments are out to get them and others believe governments only protects us and never does anything bad towards it's tax paying citizens.

There's so much going on in the world today and every government is busy manipulating the narrative of any given situation it is dealing with.



Government persecution of citizens is nothing new. Questioning the government or criticising it for any of it's faults are the right of a citizen atleast it is in a democracy.

However, the ones we elect to make the law and uphold are the ones who more often than not break it as per their convenience.

But the fact is that governments subjugate people on the pretext of anything they seem justifiable and try to drill a sense of fear into the minds of anyone willing to stand up against their atrocities.

So here's a question, do you fear your government? It doesn't matter where you are from. If you have ever held back from voicing your opinion against the government in public domain it's likely that you fear some kind of backlash.

Let's hear it from you now. Please vote on this poll.

  • Yes - They are known for troubling citizens in my country

  • No - I'm not afraid

  • Sometimes - I voice my opinion despite possibility of a backlash

Answer the question at


No- I am not afraid.

I am awake to their atrocities at many levels, enough to make anyone vomit but I DO NOT FEAR THEM. They can try and censor me, which my facebook does a lot, I have auto-immune disorder because of the shitty food they allow on the store shelves so I already tasted death several times because of them, what are they gonna do come get me? please do ... I will go down kicking and screaming the whole time. I already fought a trojan at my conception. I was meant to be disruptive to the unethical.

"I already fought a trojan at my conception." That is one of the best lines, ever in the recorded history of the human race. I apologize in advance but I am going to shamelessly steal that line. I can’t help it. That one will bring the house down. Thanks for making my day.

By all means! I love it when my lines are worthy enough to be stolen!! :)

I love that you said all that you did. I wish more people would openly voice their opinions about government wrong-doings without fear of persecution from the government.

I agree, you know it's a sad state of affairs when folks are afraid to voice their opinions or thoughts in a country that claims to value free speech.

a friend of mine told me in a discussion once, do not try to make any sense out of what the government does. I do not fear the government. understand what it is ... to Govern= control, command, dominate, lead, administer, etc.
Why should you put your trust in a group of people that do not know you nor care, to make rules that can impact your life?

Any party: different suit and tie, same lies

The lines are very True "every government is busy manipulating the narrative of any given situation it is dealing with"

One situation I faced

To file an FIR in police station for lost Marks sheet.
I was made to wait for 3 hrs where the work was just a sign (takes minutes) the constable asks me wait and goes out for rounds

After 3 hrs he signed it. While I was walking out with the copy of FIR, he whistles and asked me Rs. 300 🙄 (Bribe)
Had an argument and was lucky to have other in support of me. I did not pay him.

Yes - the Govt reps are known to trouble citizens

Yes - I'm afraid to be left behind alone and be the victim of manipulation 😢

Sometimes - I do based on the people I'm dealing with

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Yes, in India we fear police so much and some time we still afraid to ask hand even we most need it.

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I am going with the third option.

My vote for 3 no.

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I like vote for third option.

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Keep up good work

Clear Answer

No - I am not afraid.

The Government is to protect each and every citizen of the country.

No Im not afraid

When it is matter about our India I believe in NDA Government and PM Modi who is from my Gujarat I think any Indian should not be afraid

Bro, kindly stop using my name in bold letters. :D

Ok got it and sorry

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Voted for

  • No - I'm not afraid

I actually looked up if we still have punishment for insulting our King, and apparently we have - but our King has only a 'symbolic' role in our country. For insulting our functional head of state (the prime minister) there's no big difference between them and a 'normal' citizen. (One can wonder if there should be any difference of course!)


  • King, 5 years prison
  • Head of state, 4 months prison
  • Citizen, 3 months prison

Except from these laws I don't feel citizens are 'afraid' of this though - what is considered an insult is culturally a very loose understanding, we can definitely mock our King or whomever on tv or radio or the internet without expecting any backlash.

Oh wow! I wasn't aware of that but it's pretty cool that they don't jail people regularly for mocking or criticising.

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