Has the Brexit vote changed your opinion about the British Government?

in #dpoll5 years ago (edited)

Has the Brexit vote changed your opinion about the British Government?

Has the Brexit vote changed your opinion about British politics and the UK Goverment?

The UK first joined the EEC (European Economic Community) in 1973 but is now scheduled to leave the E.U (European Union) on the 29th of March, 2019.

This is almost 3 years after the United Kingdom European Union membership referendum in June 2016.

As of writing this post, there has been no clear decision on how the UK will leave the E.U. This week Prime Minister Theresa May plans to return to the Commons for a second meaningful vote on her amended deal. Despite the original deal being rejected back in January of this year.

Politics and trade deals can be challenging and convoluted. However, the question I am asking you is this.

Has the UK's handling of Brexit damaged your faith in British Politics or do you believe that this is a very difficult situation that would have challenged any other politician?

Please do let us know if you are from the UK or otherwise, but please keep the comments civil!

  • Yes. This situation has changed my opinion about British politics (UK Citizen)

  • Yes. This situation has changed my opinion about British politics (Non-UK Citizen)

  • No - This is a complex situation. (UK Citizen)

  • No - This is a complex situation. (Non-UK Citizen)

  • I don't care

Answer the question at dpoll.xyz.


If there is no clear resolution by March 29, 2019, Brexit will devastate the British economy and set it back for many years to come.

Feel free to add your vote.

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Voted for

  • Yes. This situation has changed my opinion about British politics (Non-UK Citizen)

Voted for

  • I don't care

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Voted for

  • No - This is a complex situation. (UK Citizen)

Voted for

  • No - This is a complex situation. (Non-UK Citizen)

and governments always suck

Voted for

  • No - This is a complex situation. (Non-UK Citizen)

Hard Brexit is economic suicide. Soft Brexit has no sense, means no real changes.

Voted for

  • No - This is a complex situation. (Non-UK Citizen)

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