Does your house ever go silent?

in #dpoll5 years ago

Does your house ever go silent?


It is not the kind of silence that is comforting. It is one of anger and the elephant that is in the room. No one is thrilled that the surgery was not the solution. It is simply leading to another surgery and in the mean time he is losing more blood. Will he make it to the surgery? When will that be? His anger is great and so is his brother in law’s. As for me I am cold and scared. That doesn’t help the situation in any way either.

So yes, I am trying to stay busy to avoid the sound of angry silence that grips our home today. Running away doesn’t work because I carry the worry and fears with me. I don’t know why I feel so alone at times like this. But I feel very alone.

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Why this anger? Is there no one there who talks to the "angry elephant" about his worries and anger, and who takes it off a bit? I can imagine how you feel. Nobody has to go in such a way that you have to have worries and fears and certainly not at home. Do not feel you lonely :D. Too bad, people are so far away from each other.

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