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RE: What do you think about Rahaf Mohammed and her story?

in #dpoll5 years ago (edited)

I didn't know about the person until I came across this poll. Twitter will never make much of social change. We need real actions. Governments pulling out support for these countries would be something real. I'm happy for her freedom. But she won't change much.

@vimukthi, every time history is made, we usually forget that behind that big moment there were thousands of ordinary citizens whose courage set the path for the activists to work their cause so that justice prevailed eventually.

Yes, history is twigged and bent by those in power and with money. But when ordinary people are pushed to a corner, history will be bent by these ordinary people with neither power nor money - hapless and helpless ordinary citizens, like Rahaf, who believe in a cause and muster others to their side, at great risk to themselves, all because they believe in a noble cause.

Although history is chronicled by big moments, it is actually made everyday by these ordinary people behind the scenes. The Arab Spring and the collapse of communism, both of which happened all of a sudden surprising everyone, are big moments in history, but would not have happened without the steady and dedicated participation of the ordinary people, who were pushed to a corner.

Thanks for the vote, @vimukthi. Stay blessed.


I agree that it was little things that led to massive historical events. But modern days are plagued with what Eli Roth called slacktivism. That's what I'm skeptical about. Lot's of people would show support of Twitter. But how many would try to make real change. Put pressure on politicians to cut ties with Saudi and stop protecting them. It's a long term thing. But that's the effective solution.

But most people aren't willing to face few gas shortages and temporary economic hit. At best most would stop at a protest. Just think about Kony 2012. Most of the money actually got wasted on other BS.

Fight against Saudi is n economic war. Their power is in oil. We have to take this power from them to make their disgusting social structure break apart.

Thanks for the long comment.

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