Are the Changes/Improvements in Hard Fork 21 worth Steem being down for a few hours?

in #dpoll5 years ago

Are the Changes/Improvements in Hard Fork 21 worth Steem being down for a few hours?

  • Yes

  • No

  • I don't know

  • Maybe

  • Rather not say

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Voted for

  • Maybe

Voted for

  • Yes

Voted for

  • Rather not say

Voted for

  • Yes

Voted for

  • Yes

Voted for

  • Yes

For proper improvement to go on

Voted for

  • Maybe

Voted for

  • Yes

Being down for a few hours is worth getting the next round of changes into motion. Now whether or not everyone is going to be happy with those changes is a different topic all together. I was impressed with the Steemit team response time. This transition went much smoother than HF20.

Voted for

  • Maybe

What I want is that we stop talking about this useless HF 😂😂

Voted for

  • I don't know

Somehow I didn't get that 'leave additional remarks' field :-) But I don't know. I don't know if it's okay to have hours of downtime, if we compare how (much) we are testing and other chains doing HardForks - is it more or less than we could expect? Let alone if I know if the upcoming 'feedback' we'll get from HF21 is going to justify that :') First impressions are good though, we've had a lot of fun downvoting Trending with a few people :-) Cheers!

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