Can you dance?

in #dpoll6 years ago

Can you dance?

Saturday evening, time to party, to go out, to dance.
By my experiences, most people can’t really dance, there are many bad dancers in the bars, discotheques. But almost all are claiming they are good ones. (At least here in Europe.) Just like all are experts of football or soccer and know exactly what players should have done to win…
Can you dance?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Yes, after six mugs of beer

  • Just robust like Terminator

  • I took courses or classes

  • I make the music

Answer the question at


Voted for No.

Voted for Yes.

Voted for Yes, after six mugs of beer.

Voted for Yes, after six mugs of beer.

Lol at least I think I can

Voted for Yes.

I dance almost everyday and do not need someone to tell me I'm a good dancer :)

Voted for Yes, after six mugs of beer.

Voted for Yes.

But no one can watch. :-)

Voted for Yes.

As a bloke, the trick is to relax and feel the music. Then jump / sway / shake (/ nod?) your head to it confidently. In time with it. A drink or two makes it easier when young. As does music you actually like. Avoid moving your arms / hands around excessively. You'll just look like a chick / twat.

The trick is to go from a state of not dancing to a state of dancing with no-one pissing their sides laughing at you. Master that and you'll leave with the girl, every time.

That's my first poll vote & comment! :D

Incidentally, I wrote a book on football, too. :) And invented the flying Johan Cruyff turn (only attempt if you have a lot of room).

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