
Voted for

  • Yes, if the music is groovy.

Voted for

  • Yes, in a young girl's heart.

Voted for

  • Yes, if the music is groovy.

Voted for

  • No.

Voted for

  • Yes, if the music is groovy.

🎶 °˖✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧˖° 🎶

Voted for

  • Yes, in a young girl's heart.

Voted for

  • No.

Voted for

  • Yes, in a young girl's heart.

Voted for

  • Yes, if the music is groovy.

Voted for

  • Yes, in a young girl's heart.

Haha I'm so glad this was a choice. Before I even clicked the link this is what I thought.

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