What is your favorite game on STEEM?

in #dpoll5 years ago (edited)

What is your favorite game on STEEM?

dpoll What is your favorite game on STEEM bxlphabet.jpg

The three biggest games on STEEM are:

  • Splinterlands/STEEMMonsters
  • NextColony
  • DrugWars

According to the rankings at The State of the dApps Splinterlands is Number 8 of all games using blockchains andNextColony is Number 9. DrugWars doe snot appear at all for some reason, although they used to be there.

Which of these games is your favorite? I want to hear from you. THank you for answering my poll.

  • Splinterlands/STEEMMonsters is my favorite.

  • NextColony is my favorite game.

  • DrugWars is my favorite game.

  • I have tried them, and I do not like any of these games.

  • I do not play games on STEEM, so I have no opinion.

  • Other

Answer the question at dpoll.xyz.


Voted for

  • Splinterlands/STEEMMonsters is my favorite.

Voted for

  • Splinterlands/STEEMMonsters is my favorite.

Voted for

  • Splinterlands/STEEMMonsters is my favorite.

Voted for

  • I have tried them, and I do not like any of these games.

Voted for

  • Splinterlands/STEEMMonsters is my favorite.

Voted for

  • I do not play games on STEEM, so I have no opinion.

Voted for

  • Splinterlands/STEEMMonsters is my favorite.

Voted for

  • Splinterlands/STEEMMonsters is my favorite.

I also like DrugWars, but I have not tried/played NextColony so far.

Next Colony is a very slow game in the beginning if you do not spend money. I have been at it since May 1 and just upgrade like you do in DrugWars. I cannot battle or do anything yet. I go in a few minutes a day and upgrade and that is it! Some day I hope to play, lol.

Voted for

  • I have tried them, and I do not like any of these games.

Voted for

  • Splinterlands/STEEMMonsters is my favorite.

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