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RE: Which One of These 10 Thought Experiments Is Your Favorite?

in #dpoll5 years ago

Voted for None of the Above

Its like this, imagine you knew that the earth was shaped like a donut, but in a curved spacial way, so that anyone on the inside saw it as flat.

What do you think of any "thought experiment" about flat vs ball earth?

They just don't make any sense.

All of these thought experiments are like that.
The solution to each is "None of the above".

However, i believe that it was important to think on them. That the thinking, the flexing of your mind muscle, is really important. Part of you already knows the answer, so it really isn't about finding the truth, its about getting stronger, and exploring the truth.


However, i believe that it was important to think on them. That the thinking, the flexing of your mind muscle, is really important.

Exactly! It's like a workout for your brain and in this day and age people really need more of it. Science fictions and even horror fiction used to do this. But these days Sci-fi is basically Marvel and horror is basically jump scare.

Yeah, horror is pathetic these days.

Even 10 years ago... that invisible man and all those people running around with cans of spray paint... pathetic.

I would lock that guy in a room with any one of several of my friends and he wouldn't come out alive.

All the fear shown was the people doing it to themselves.

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