Can killing of Iran's top commander in Iraq by the US forces lead to a war between the US and Iran?

in #dpoll5 years ago

Can killing of Iran's top commander in Iraq by the US forces lead to a war between the US and Iran?

Greetings Steemians!

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The US forces has killed Qasem Soleimani, the head of the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) in Iraq. He was the mastermind behind Iran's missions in the middle-east. After his killing, Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has vowed to take severe revenge. So, it will definitely escalate war situation in the middle-east.
Can this lead to a war between the US and Iran?

  • Yes, a war is imminent.

  • No.

  • May be.

  • Other...

Answer the question at


Voted for

  • May be.

@akdx, this site is for investment related content only. If you tied this poll for example to the rise in oil, then it would be OK. I will assume you didn't know, but next time, your non-investment related post will be down voted 100%. Thanks in advance.

Posted via Steemleo | A Decentralized Community for Investors

Everything is related to money my friend. Wars are not fought to make this world better. In fact they are the biggest tool to make money. Hence, investment in war and arms is a big deal. Am I wrong?

you are strongly right in my opinion. the death of General had an enormous impact on oil price (4% rise), UDS rate to rial (3%), Tehran stock market (15000 points!!)

so war is about money... bloody money

so war is about money... bloody money

This is the reality.

Thanks for your vote!

Hi @akdx

My expectations are as follow:
direct confrontation with IRAN will not happen. However proxy war in IRAQ, where Iran forces will be involved is a real scenario that we should consider.

Also this kind of war would probably allow US economy to flourish again. After all they are currently printing record high amount of FIAT and those money need to enter the system somehow and have impact on economy growth. War is a great stymulus. Unfortunatelly.


You are right my friend!

Voted for

  • May be.

Just wait and see..

Voted for

  • Yes, a war is imminent.

Let's hope for the best.

Voted for

  • May be.

Voted for

  • Other...

May be, I hope not 🙏🏻

Voted for

  • Other...

Everything can the question is if it will happen. If I hope we will stop caring about these countries. After all these years I have enough of them always feeling insulted.
That general was a bastard. Let's focus on us or Venezuela.

Every general must be a bad person to some extent. It is a bitter truth that armies are just means for securing the interest of powerful people.

War is business so it will never stop. The nation fights and dies and is brainwashed by governments for generations. As soon as we stop interfering accross the border it all has a better chance to work out better.

All war criminals are chased and punished. No matter where they live, if they are old or young and in which war they fought for whom.

To some they were hero's to others criminals.

Invaders always justify their acts and common people and soldiers dies. No matter what happens, powerful people always enjoy.

@akdx Yes, that is the point. 👎

Voted for

  • May be.

from Iran!
I prefer to say the poll's options are very dim and unclear. Maybe and imminence of happening are same answers.

and War... this word's meaning has changed a lot in recent years. as @crypto.piotr said too, direct confrontation is less probable, I think.

I hope for peace... for everyone, as everybody has a right to live once and in peace...

P.S. Soleimani wasn't the head of the IRGC, but commander of Quds Force, IRGC's int'l branch.

P.S. Soleimani wasn't the head of the IRGC, but commander of Quds Force, IRGC's int'l branch.

Thanks for this information.

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