When do you hold your phone the most?

in #dpoll5 years ago (edited)

When do you hold your phone the most?


Most times I like using my phone when I'm lying down. I hardly use my phone(typing) when I'm walking and not because it's dangerous. I would love to know when we hold our phones. Thank you.

  • Mostly use it on bed (lying down)

  • Mostly use it when I'm walking

  • Mostly use it when I'm standing

  • Hardly use it during the day but always at night before sleeping(lying down)

  • Hardly use it at night but during the day, whilst waliking and standing

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Voted for

  • Mostly use it on bed (lying down)

Voted for

  • Mostly use it on bed (lying down)


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Voted for

  • Mostly use it on bed (lying down)

Voted for

  • Mostly use it on bed (lying down)

And when I am sitting (mostly before noon during the worktime).

The sitting option escaped me. Thank you

Voted for

  • Mostly use it on bed (lying down)

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Voted for

  • Mostly use it on bed (lying down)

Thank you for voting

Voted for

  • Hardly use it during the day but always at night before sleeping(lying down)

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Voted for

  • Mostly use it when I'm walking

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