How often when you get up in the morning first thing that "steals your attention" is your smartphone?

in #dpoll5 years ago

How often when you get up in the morning first thing that "steals your attention" is your smartphone?

Smartphones nowadays are "free thieves" in my opinion. Smart ones and well designed ones. They steal our time, our attention, our functioning neurons and our subconscious mind as well and we're OK with that.

They do that with our consent of course and most of us realize that spending too much time staring at a smartphone is not a must. It's the apps though that "help us do that".

In the morning when we wake up there is no app to drag our hand to the gadget. It's our free will and strong habit to do that. This habit though can determine how our day goes without us even knowing and most of the times it doesn't make it a good one.

I admit that I am almost instantly unlocking my smartphone as soon as I wake up but I am in works of cutting down this habit as well. Curious though how many of you are in the same situation and how many are not.

Thanks for taking the poll and have a great day!

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  • Pretty often but not too often

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Casi todos loa dias es una buena forma de hacer negocios.

Inteleg foarte putin limba spaniola dar indeajuns sa imi dau seama ca, comentariul tau nu are nicio legatura cu postarea mea. Tocmai de accea ti-am raspuns in Romana. Tu intelegi ce am scris? Esti multumit de raspuns?

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