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RE: Do You Grow? Forest Garden Plan to Escape Squash Bugs!

in #doyougrow6 years ago

Good luck with your squashes @karenfoster, you certainly are passionate about gardening, something I find one of the most rewarding activities, getting your hands into Mother Earth.
Here in Bali, we have two composts going simultaneously being fed kitchen scraps.
Once we clean out a bed, we spread the rich compost on top and let whatever comes up, to come up!
"Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you are going to get!" - Forest Gump
We allow natural weeds to grow amongst the vegetables, which equates to companion planting.
Nature sorts out what we are to receive!


What a great system, you must have such rich, complex soil! I companion plant with lots of flowers, trying clover this year as well. Thank you for sharing, I can picture how lovely your space must be! And bali must be beautiful weather!!

Hi Karen,
Yes, with loads of warm tropical rain and rich, fertile, volcanic soil, it makes growing plants and vegetables a breeze!
Where I struggled to get anything to grow in Western Australia, with dry, sandy soil, here we "struggle" to stop the plants taking over the place!
Vegetable Terraces.jpg
We border on primary jungle, which has its eye on my vegetable terraces!

I want to come visit!!! That is incredible to me....your gardens are beautiful! Haha yes, I see the jungle sneaking up on your yard!!

Thanks for you kind words Karen and yes, this is truly living in paradise!

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