Paddy Has Yawning and Harvest Season has arrived

in #doyougrow6 years ago (edited)


Rice has yellowed and it is time for the harvest to arrive


Hi steemian ...
Let's Walk With Me and See What i see , Greetings from me for you who are there .. may always be healthy and in the protection of Allah...


After waiting for 3 months finally this period has arrived that is where farmers harvest their rice.

Setelah menunggu 3 bulan akhirnya masa ini pun telah tiba yaitu dimana petani memanen padi mereka.


Rice plants are now beginning to change color to reddish yellow this means the rice has been ripe and ready for the harvest.

Tanaman padi kini mulai berubah warna menjadi kuning kemerahan ini artinya padi telah matang dan siap untuk di panen.


Here are some farmers' stingray in my village and some of them have cut their rice and some are still waiting for the time to be harvested.

Ini beberapa pari petani di desa saya dan sebahagian dari mereka telah memotong padi mereka dan sebahagian masih menunggu saat yang telah untuk di panen.


The yellow rice paddies are visible with solid contents and the seeds will be hard if we eat them or sound like we eat chips.

Padi padi yang kuning terlihat dengan isinya yang telah padat dan bijinya akan keras bila kita memakannya akan ata suara seperti kita memakan keripik.


Many farmers have harvested their rice but I am still waiting and maybe tomorrow I will also harvest.

Banyak petani telah memanenkan padi mereka namun saya masih menunggu dan mungkin besok saya juga akan ikut panen.


A bright day may be full tomorrow with blessing ..


Thank you Allah , thanks for all of you, my best friend who still remain faithful to accompany me and follow the beauty of this nature...Thanks you...

Terima kasih Allah, terima kasih untuk kalian semua, sahabat sahabatku yang masih tetap setia menemaniku dan mengikuti indahnya alam ini... Thanks you.. .

Thanks for community @paul-gillbanks and @bullionstakers > @whalepower

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great post...will be even better if you edit and use photocorrection filters on your nice photos...
thank you and goodluck @au7ia

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