Hexen II Save File (PC Game Data)

in #downloadlast month

If you want to simply download and install the Hexen II Save File (PC Game Data) for the game, just click the button bellow, run the exe file and your save data should be automatically loaded. You can know more about the game and the save file information bellow.

  • Developer: Raven Software
  • Publisher: id Software
  • Release Date: August 31, 1997
  • Genres: First-person shooter, Action-adventure
  • Platforms: PC, Macintosh, AmigaOS
  • Engine: Quake Engine

About Hexen II

Hexen II is a dark fantasy first-person shooter that combines action-packed gameplay with adventure elements, setting it apart from its contemporaries. Developed by Raven Software and published by id Software, it was released in 1997 as a sequel to the earlier Hexen game. Utilizing an enhanced version of the Quake engine, Hexen II offers players a richly detailed 3D environment to explore, filled with puzzles, traps, and formidable enemies. The game is notable for its four distinct character classes, each offering a unique gameplay experience, and its incorporation of RPG elements, such as experience points and inventory management.

The game's narrative transports players to the world of Thyrion, where they must defeat the dark sorcerer Eidolon and his four generals, representing the elements of earth, air, fire, and water. Hexen II's levels are divided into four hubs, with each hub representing a different realm of Thyrion. Players must navigate through ancient Egyptian pyramids, medieval castles, and frozen wastelands, among other settings, solving puzzles and battling a variety of monsters to progress. The game's blend of action, adventure, and role-playing elements, along with its atmospheric graphics and sound, make it a memorable title in the first-person shooter genre.

Game Save Features

  • Description – The game is 100% completed. Saves step-by-step with different progress. Total saves 37.
  • Author – PC Savegames
  • Example of the savegame folder location – C:\Program Files\Hexen II\data1

How to Download and Install Hexen II Game Save File with data in PC?

  1. Click the download button bellow (or at the top of the page) to download the save file installer.
  2. Follow the link instructions and enter a password if it's necessary, it's made to protect our servers from bot attacks.
  3. Run the Installer, it's made to easily replace the game save and directly load the save into your game!
  4. Enjoy! That's it, Hexen II Save file and all the Data should be automatically loaded the next time you run the game.

More Game Saves

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