Duke Nukem_ Manhattan Project Save File (PC Game Data)

in #downloadlast month

If you want to simply download and install the Duke Nukem: Manhattan Project Save File (PC Game Data) for the game, just click the button bellow, run the exe file and your save data should be automatically loaded. You can know more about the game and the save file information bellow.

  • Developer: Sunstorm Interactive
  • Publisher: Arush Entertainment, 3D Realms
  • Release Date: May 14, 2002
  • Genre: Side-scrolling, Platformer
  • Platforms: Windows, Xbox (XBLA)

About Duke Nukem: Manhattan Project

Duke Nukem: Manhattan Project is a return to the roots of the Duke Nukem franchise, focusing on fast-paced, side-scrolling action reminiscent of the original games. Released in 2002, it combines the classic Duke Nukem attitude and humor with modern graphics and gameplay mechanics. Players take on the role of Duke Nukem, the ultimate action hero, as he battles through eight distinct levels to save New York City from a mad scientist and his army of mutants.

The game is known for its varied level design, incorporating platforming challenges, puzzle-solving, and intense combat scenarios. With an arsenal of weapons at his disposal, Duke's mission is to stop the evil Mech Morphix and prevent the spread of the deadly G.L.O.P.P. (Gluon Liquid Omega-Phased Plasma) that threatens to mutate the city's inhabitants. The game's blend of action, humor, and a wide variety of enemies and bosses has made it a memorable installment in the Duke Nukem series.

Game Save Features

  • The game is 100% completed.
  • Step-by-step save files with various progress.
  • Total saves 8.
  • Author – Chordian

How to Download and Install Duke Nukem: Manhattan Project Game Save File with data in PC?

  1. Click the download button bellow (or at the top of the page) to download the save file installer.
  2. Follow the link instructions and enter a password if it's necessary, it's made to protect our servers from bot attacks.
  3. Run the Installer, it's made to easily replace the game save and directly load the save into your game!
  4. Enjoy! That's it, Duke Nukem: Manhattan Project Save file and all the Data should be automatically loaded the next time you run the game.

More Game Saves

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