Be Careful Hand Cramp! Five Hero Dota 2 with the Hardest Micro Management!

in #dota27 years ago (edited)

In Dota 2, hero micro management requires you to control multiple units at once. Apparently, this whole micro hero will not work properly if you do not have good management too!

Dota 2 is famous for its unique and vast hero that you can play. One of the challenges in Dota 2 is to play a micro management hero that is very difficult to master by novice players!

1. Enchantress

From the ranks of hero in this list, Enchantress can be categorized as the most "easy" for the micro. Thanks to Enchant skill, this hero can control multiple creep units at once.
Even controlled creeps can provide unique effects like stun, purge, and other effects. Enchantress can take advantage of the creep to do ganking throughout the game even in the early minutes!

But that distinguishes it from other heroes like Chen, Enchantress can still do quite painful damage when his creep dies, thanks to Impetus.
So Enchantress users do not have to force to try to do micro management, as long as it has enough items and good positioning, Enchantress can play a lot during the war occurs.

2. Visage

This one really rarely goes into meta. It is reasonable, considering Visage possesses a complicated micro management!

Visage itself is not so difficult to play. However, his ultimate skill called Summon Familiars allows him to call two tails (three tails if using Aghanim's Scepter) familiar that can help him attack the enemy. It could be said that one of the main damage and disable sources of Visage comes from the familiar which must be controlled separately.
Plus, familiar Visage has both damage and low HP. If you do not control it well, the familiar becomes useless at all!

3. Arc Warden

This hero is very rarely appear in professional meta, if any, only a handful of players who can maximize the ability of this hero. Yes, Arc Warden can fight and give a meaningful role when he uses his ultimate Tempest Double.

Tempest Double works by making a duplicate of the main hero Arc Warden complete with usable items. So with Tempest Double, Arc Warden can use his skill and item twice. The problem is, controlling the two heroes is quite complicated to do especially when a war occurs.
So do not be surprised if Arc Warden can make players who play slip his fingers. Moreover, if all six items owned have an active effect.

4. Chen

This hero is very famous for its difficulty to play. The problem is simple, Chen must be able to control the creeps they control maximally! Unlike the Enchantress, Chen certainly helpless without the help of creep that controlled.

Chen is very dependent on his skills that can control some creeps and even Ancient at the same time. Starting from stun, damage, even purge they can get from the right creep. But controlling some creep is not easy. Not to mention if we talk about other skills owned by this hero like Test of Fate and Penitence.

Chen will have no impact at all if he does not rely on micro management on the creep he controls. So reasonable if this hero is crowned as a hero with a difficult micro management!

5. Meepo

In a way, the only way to master this hero is as much as possible to train your micro management. Meepo is a very complicated hero because you have to be able to control several units at once with care!
In addition to having to split the brain and put other Meepo to farm or push, you also have to train your hands to use Poof and Earthbind combo which are the main damage to Meepo.

Not infrequently, players with high MMR though still difficult to control Meepo because of the complexity it has. But if you're good at it, achieving 1000 GPM and XPM is no longer a difficult thing to do!

Playing heroes with difficult micro management is not recommended for beginners. But do not hesitate to start trying it! You can learn a more simple micro hero like Nature's Prophet or Enigma.

Only after you get used to and get used to the micro management of Dota 2, you can practice hero-hero in the list above.

Image Source: Enchantress, Visage, Arc Warden, Chen, Meepo

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