This Is Why Winning Mid as Sniper Is So Important, Machine Gun Gameplay by MP Dota 2steemCreated with Sketch.

in #dota27 years ago

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Hi i won but how to Contact you to claim my prize

btw here is my sentence for the video:
If you leave Sniper farm and get his Attack Speed he will destroy anyone

I hope you can use the word backwards cause that was an insane amount of dee-p-s

A sniper has high attack speed. Shouldve name him machine gunner.

Lion was right!! Sniper is an imbalance hero when you combine its range, attack speed and damage. Seriously its so op.

Sniper is not op but this was just a speed filled roll-on game

The attack speed is too much

faster than the speed of bullet.

machine gunning with high atk speed

Beacuse Sniper Is Too Range And He Need Attack Speed To Kill Enemy Fast

speed defines everything

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